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Prescript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

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"A Message For The New Year"
(by Sam Hamill of Poets Against The War)

Fear And Denial In Las Vegas:
The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Denial Itself,
The Only Thing We Have To Deny Is Fear Itself

"Bogus Terror Threats And Bush's Police State"
(by Kurt Nimmo of Another Day In The Empire,
also Published by Dissident Voice)

"Imperial Sociopaths"
(by Kurt Nimmo of Another Day In The Empire,
also Published by Dissident Voice)

"Bush's Police State:
Going After The Left, Not al Q'aeda"
(by Kurt Nimmo of Another Day In The Empire,
also Published by Dissident Voice)

"Warning: This Is A Police State,
Just Go About Your Business"
(by Kurt Nimmo of Another Day In The Empire,
also Published by Dissident Voice)

"Entering The World Of George Orwell:
Operation Mass Appeal And Operation Rockingham"
(by Kurt Nimmo of Another Day In The Empire,
also Published by Dissident Voice)

"Socrates, Reich And The Machiavellians"
(by Kurt Nimmo of Another Day In The Empire,
also Published by Dissident Voice)

"Machiavellia Uber Alles"
(by Marilyn A. Guinnane,
Published by Jeff Rense)

"Selective Memory And False Doctrine"
(by Noam Chomsky,
Published by Dissident Voice)


(Written by Sam Hamill of Poets Against
The War, on 25 December 2003)
[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Sam Hamill
and/or Poets Against The War. All rights are reserved.]

"“You didn’t really believe poets could stop a war, did you?” The reporter’s tone was dripping with condescension. I believed in that possibility. Expectations are another matter entirely. Expectations are what lie beneath the surface of a very destructive, very human search for immediate self-gratification. It was in fact George W. Bush who put poets in the position of having to protest. In his January, 2003, State of the Union speech, Bush told us that we were either with him or “on the side of the terrorists.” No middle ground and no place for debate. Since Bush and his appointees reserved the exclusive right to define what a terrorist is, his statement makes a terrorist of every pacifist, every conscientious objector, and every citizen who questions the intelligence or morality of the United States engaging in “pre-emptive war.” Another Republican president, Teddy Roosevelt, said that placing any president [or administration] above criticism or argument was “morally treasonable.”

"Poets Against the War was officially born when Laura Bush invited me to attend a White House symposium on Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Langston Hughes, scheduled for February 12, 2003. But it was truly born in the hearts of each of us long before the naively planned and quickly “postponed” symposium. The “postponement” continues today, the White House having faced its only public humiliation when we rose in unison to defend not only our nation’s conscience, but poetry itself.

"Today, Bush’s war continues. The American public hears very little about the mounting civilian body count in Iraq. Bush’s popularity rose in the polls when Saddam Hussein was captured. The administration declared the world safer while on this Christmas morning, the U.S. is under “orange alert,” signifying a “high possibility” that we’ll be attacked. There were bombs in Baghdad, a suicide bomber in Tel Aviv.

"Questions about the administration’s lies and deceptions “justifying” the reasons for attacking Iraq go unanswered while Bush resists revealing memos about what was known before the U. S. was attacked on September 11, 2001. American soldiers continue to die day by day, and Bush continues to refuse to attend their services. People are held without charges or counsel and librarians are turned into de facto FBI agents, required to reveal records of what citizens read. A significant part of this unelected administration’s war is its war on our Constitution, especially the First Amendment, which provides for our unassailable right to dissent. To fail to question this nation’s leadership, especially in an age of pre-emptive war, is morally treasonable.

"In the coming months, Poets Against the War will encourage its members to collaborate, wherever possible, with other groups working to achieve a change of regime in the United States, to establish an administration that is prepared to join the community of nations rather than dictating to it. As long as this administration’s war-making includes attacks on our civil rights, threats against other nations, and its continued assault on labor and environmental laws, it is our duty as citizens of the world to resist. Whitman himself advised us to “resist much, obey little.”

"Adrienne Rich and W. S. Merwin have agreed to serve as official advisors to Poets Against the War, and in the coming weeks, several other poets will be added; we will post their statements or mini-essays as we plan strategies throughout this election year. We will also begin a Poets Against the War Recommended Reading section that will focus primarily, but not exclusively, on books that will keep us all better informed politically, better prepared to make our appeals to our friends and neighbors at home and abroad.

"Perhaps our greatest success in the past year was in initiating the most prominent public discussion of the role of poetry in this nation’s history. Time and again, journalists asked me, “Why can’t you poets just leave the politics out of it?” Answer: Because we are human beings, citizens of this nation and this world, politics touches us directly and indeed shapes our daily lives. As Philip Levine told an NPR reporter, “It is nearly impossible to write an apolitical poem.” We poets write not for money or for fame, but out of necessity, out of the deep conviction that the struggle to make a poem is of itself a worthy undertaking, and with full knowledge that most of what any of us writes is of little lasting consequence. The effort, the possibility, is our necessity; expectations only get in the way.

"It remains for us to imagine a government grounded in compassionate policies toward its citizenry and toward the community of nations, a country that clings to democratic principles and counts every vote. It is for us to claim a great tradition of American poetry, to reinvigorate those democratic vistas and self-revelations Whitman and Dickinson bequeathed us, the social conscience Langston Hughes embodied. Our real work has only just begun."

[ SEE the Poets Against The War website, at: ]

The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Denial Itself,
The Only Thing We Have To Deny Is Fear Itself
(Written on 31 December 2003
Added to the site on 1 January 2004)
[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and
Internationally by S. Wolf Britain.
All rights are reserved.]

It has become very clear to me that the bogus terror alerts (see the articles by Kurt Nimmo of Another Day In The Empire, also published by Dissident Voice, below) are for more of a purpose than simply keeping the American people in fear; they are also about getting many, if not most, of them to "turn over and go back to sleep", and deny not only the so-called threats, but the duty to face and learn what's really going on and do something right about it! In other words, the alleged threats are designed for the express purpose of making the vast majority of "Americans" so take the climate of "terrorist threats" and fear for granted, and to be so afraid of, and numb to, the climate of fear itself, that they will not only "dummy-up" and voluntarily surrender their civil liberties, but also live like virtually nothing, or very little, is happening that effects them directly or personally, and do nothing that they should and must do to curb the United State’s corporate-government-religious-capitalist-imperialist-colonialist-fascist takeover of themselves and everyone else....(!)

....(A)nd it is working!

Denial is a very insidious and pernicious thing, and most "Americans" are deep in denial, and have been for a long time! Denial that of course huge conspiracies are going on! Denial that a so-called "President of the United States", his cabinet, Israeli "Intelligence", the CIA, the "National Security Agency" (NSA), the Pentagon, and the "Defense Department" could be, and probably are in all-actuality, involved in an atrocity of enormous proportions! Denial that the U.S. government exercising an imperial, colonial and murderous foreign policy is completely anti-democratic and totally wrong! Denial that surrendering and taking away civil liberties in what is supposed to be the greatest democracy on Earth is absolutely unacceptable! Denial that blindly "respecting", following and worshipping the U.S. government while it is the rogue, terrorist nation that it is, is Truly, Fully and Completely anti-patriotic and treasonous! Denial that True Americans must not and cannot allow ANY of it go unchecked without non-violently and peacefully "rising up" against it, and that doing so is True Patriotism! And the denials go on and on and on, ad nauseum, leading to blind and total subservience to evil!

What are we doing, and allowing, "for God's sake"?!

There is no question that what most "Americans" are doing, and allowing to go unchecked, is making their fast "progress" down the wide path to final destruction that God Himself predicted(!): "It is written, thus says the Lord (God in Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God)...." "Enter in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the Way, which leads unto Life, and few there be that find it." (Matthew 7:13-14 [emphasis added by me].) But the minority of True Americans are NOT allowing it to go unchecked, and are fulfilling their Godly, True Patriotic Duty to warn the rest of "America" out of the wide path to final destruction!

"....Well done, you good and faithful servant(s)...."! (Matthew 25:21.)

Yet, unto the bad and unfaithful "servant(s)", God said, "....You evil and slothful servant(s).... (you will be) ...cast... into outer darkness (where) there will be weeping(,).... (great guilt and self-loathing)"! (Matthew 25:26 and 30 [emphasis added by me].) In other words, ALL those who do not come out of their fear, denial, self-centeredness, refusal to take the True Patriotic stand against the U.S. corporate-government, anti-democratic, tyrannous, treasonous, religiously intolerant, racist, unjust, and repressive takeover of the United States and the entire world, and their persecution of the True Patriots who ARE taking the right stand against all of the evils of their corporate-government's religious-capitalist-imperialist-colonialist-fascism, will suffer great "fear and (self-)loathing", much, much worse than that which comes with the usual addictions like alcoholism and other drug addictions, and in a much worse place of final destruction than the likes of "Las Vegas" (a symbol for "Babylon", selfishness, greed, lust, adultery, perversion, debauchery, depravity, and self-destruction, not to be overly-confused with ancient, literal, no longer existent Babylon in what is now Iraq)!

The apocalypse is almost upon us all....(!)

....(O)r perhaps we have already been in the apocalypse for quite some time! But, even if it hasn't quite occurred yet, if Bush and Company use so-called "small tactical nukes" on defenseless "Third World" countries as they want to do, or use them on any country for that matter, at minimum the radioactive fallout is going to circle the globe, effecting us all, killing thousands if not millions more innocent people with cancer(s), much as Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the above-ground nuclear bomb testing in Nevada, Chernobyl, Three-Mile Island, and the thousands of tons of depleted uranium from uraniam-tipped bombs and missiles dropped on Yugoslavia in 1999, Iraq from 1991 to 2003, and again in 2003, and Afghanistan from 2001 to 2003, did and/or still are, and just as these psychopathic, genocidal globalists want! We DO have a lot to be afraid of, but that does NOT mean we have to live in fear or denial about it! We CAN face what is really going on without letting it destroy us emotionally, and without doing the most unhealthy thing of all, pretending it doesn't effect ALL of us and that we are not ALL responsible for taking a stand against it! We CAN do this by seeking out and obtaining God's Perfect, Unconditional Love and Strength to endure, and to bring His Perfect Truth, Love and Strength to all those we CAN reach with it!

There IS Great Hope, even in the face of great monstrousness....(!)

....(B)ut that Hope is NOT AT ALL found in denial or fear! Again, 'perfect fear (and denial) casts out Love'; and God's "....perfect Love casts out fear...."! (1 John 4:17.) Denial is the ultimate in fear! Fear of facing the Truth! And fear is the ultimate in denial! Denial of God's Love! We CAN face the Truth, obtain God's True Love and Strength, and share it with the world! Yet, if we don't do it, we are the ultimate in cowards whose perfect fear is casting out God's Love and leaving us and many others' destitute of ANY AND ALL True Hope; and that is why cowards like those, including people like and Bush and Company, are and will be even more a part of destroying innocent people the world-over, and that even "minor" cowards are and will be even more a part of the destruction as well, if they aren't already!

Betrayal is occurring right and left, but we haven't seen anything yet!

Most of "our leaders" have betrayed us, and ARE doing so more and more! Most of "our churchmen" have betrayed us, and ARE doing so more and more! And, very soon, most of "our friends" and neighbors will betray us if we stand up for what's right, and against what is wrong; and, also very soon, even our own family(ies') will betray us for standing up for what's right, and against what is wrong! But we MUST NOT let that discourage us from fulfilling our rights and duties to stand up for what's right, and against what is wrong; and we MUST NOT let it keep us from doing so! Remember, "....(the) people perish for lack of (True) Knowledge...."! (Hosea 4:6 [emphasis added by me].)

....But we MUST NOT let them perish without this True Knowledge....(!)

....(F)or True Knowledge, and True Love, do NOT include murdering, slaughtering and destroying people all over the globe; and they do NOT include forcing "our" corporate-government's religious-capitalist-imperialist-colonialist-fascist ways on sovereign people(s') everywhere who know what they want, and who know without a doubt that they do NOT want "our" selfishness, self-centeredness, greed, lust(s), perversion(s), debauchery(ies), depravity(ies), self-destruction(s), and slaughter(s) of thousands of their people! ALL OF THESE PEOPLE(S') HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS THAT WE DO, TO "....LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF (TRUE) HAPPINESS...." AND EQUALITY, AND HAVE THE SAME RIGHT(S), AND DUTY(IES), AS WE DO TO DEFEND THEMSELVES AND THEIR COUNTRY(IES) FROM BEING CONQUERED AND OCCUPIED BY (AN)OTHER NATION(S)!

They also have just as much right(s) AS WE DO to be free from lies....(!)

....(A)nd just as much of a DUTY to stand up against lies AS WE DO, especially the duty to stand up against the United State’s corporate-government-religious-capitalist-imperialist-colonialist-fascist lies that in carrying out "first-strike" wars against small, defenseless nations, and slaughtering tens and hundreds of thousands, and even millions, of innocent people WHO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH TERRORISTS, AND WHO DID NOT ATTACK OUR COUNTRY, is supposedly, by some twisted, evil so-called "logic" and Machiavellian so-called "reason", liberating and saving them, bringing so-called "freedom" and "democracy" to them, and protecting them, and us, from so-called "terrorism" and the so-called "attempted overthrow of democracy" in the U.S. and worldwide!

But True Americans have even more of a duty to expose those lies....(!)

....CALL EVIL BY ITS TRUE NAME(S), expose the lies for what they really are, bald-faced fraudulent falsehoods and deceptions on a scale that has never before been seen on the face of the entire planet, and to expose the Truth that it is in-actuality the United State’s corporate-government-religious-capitalist-imperialist-colonialist-fascists who ARE the biggest terrorist threats to Democracy and Freedom in both the U.S. and planet-wide, who ARE overthrowing democracy both nationally and internationally, taking away our freedom(s), and the freedom(s) of sovereign people(s') the world-over, and falsely imprisoning, murdering, slaughtering, and destroying millions of innocent people, both "at home" and abroad, on an also never-before-seen scale, because those lies are coming from "our" own government!

Just because the U.S. government does it, does NOT mean it is okay....(!)

....(A)nd just because we are "Americans", the Word(s) of God predict that it is going to happen anyway, and/or the prophecies of God's Word(s) have NEVER failed to come COMPLETELY true, does NOT mean that we are supposed to keep our mouths shut about it, not speak out against these horrific evils, and not save as many innocent lives as we can! It is our God-given DUTY to warn ALL people about ALL of the deceptions of, and to "save" ALL people from, this evil world; and "The Gospel", or "Good News", includes ALL of the Truth, not just Biblical Truth, but political Truth as well, as God's Word(s) and True Democracy go hand-in-hand; therefore, WE MUST ALL FULFILL our God-given duty to warn and wake up all that we can, and to get them to stand up against ALL evil, too; for this is the Greatest Love that we can have and exercise for and to our fellow-citizens, AND for and to our fellow-human-beings the world-over! REMEMBER, AND NEVER FORGET, "ALL (PEOPLE) ARE... EQUAL...."! (The Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776.)

Please, do NOT have fear and cowardice, and bigotry, wherever you are....(!)

....(A)nd please do NOT roll over and go back to sleep! Have True Love and Courageousness towards ALL people, in EVERY place that you are! For then and ONLY then will we Truly live in "...the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave", IN THE UNITED STATES AND ALL OVER THE WORLD!

by Kurt Nimmo
December 29, 2003
[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Kurt Nimmo,
Another Day In The Empire, and/or Dissident Voice.
All rights are reserved.]

"Bomb Las Vegas, America's gambling Mecca and glittery playground built on desert sands by mobsters such as Bugsy Siegel, Meyer Lanksy, and Frank Costello?

"Only al-Qaeda, we are assured, would contemplate such a depraved act -- and it stands to reason because those varmint Muslims hate our way of life. They are envious of our freedom to play the nickel slots and idle away carefree hours perched over blackjack tables -- or get no fuss, no muss marriages at Circus Circus.

"As it turns out, the ubiquitous al-Qaeda harbored no such plans to bomb Las Vegas -- or, for that matter, any other target in America over the most cherished and commercialized of holidays. Apparently, the whole thing was idle speculation on the part of the Washington Post.

"Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman took umbrage, chastised the paper for "picking these rumors out of thin air and writing a major story about them... This could have a major effect on our quality of life here. We depend on people coming here and feeling safe. If I were the enemy, Vegas would be on the bottom of my list."

"Mr. Goodman, however, is missing the point -- that's precisely what the Machiavellian Bushites want the American people to do: agonize over irrational and unsubstantiated claims of vicious terrorists lurking out there under cover of mistletoe, plotting radiological attacks and who knows what other evil deeds, determined to destroy our "quality of life," as well as our way of life, and imperil our sense of inviolability.

"In the week following last year's now largely forgotten holiday season terror alert -- recall five Arab men who supposedly crossed into the country via Canada -- the Bushites were rightfully accused of manufacturing hysteria (resulting in the shut down of New York's harbor) for political gain. But when no al-Qaeda sleeper cells blew up the Statue of Liberty or mowed down Christmas shoppers in Times Square, the Bushites blamed the whole thing on a perfidious informant, Michael Hamdani, an accused forger of passports and traveler’s cheques.

"As if to underscore the fact there's little difference between Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Democratic strategist Russ Barksdale said at the time fake terror alerts make prefect sense. "Of course the White House is going to exploit the terrorism threat to the fullest political advantage. They would be fools not to."

"But when you scratch below the surface it becomes obvious there are far more tangible and ominous aspects to Bush's manufactured terror alerts.

"After Tom Ridge went before the nation with his nebulous claim of impending doom and destruction, six casino-hotels owned by the MGM Mirage conglomerate wasted little time cross-referencing the names and Social Security numbers of guests and job applicants against those on law enforcement wanted lists. "We also now have a hotel security directors association in Las Vegas," MGM Mirage spokesman Alan Feldman revealed. "They used to focus on passing information on pickpocket rings, things of that nature. But since 9/11, their mandate has become so much more serious."

"The USA PATRIOT Act rushed on a whirlwind through Congress now forces businesses to snoop on their customers. Retail businesses, the telecommunications industry, and financial institutions are required to violate customer privacy. Section 215 of the act removes probable cause and allows federal law enforcement to subpoena any "tangible thing" -- including customer records, library check-out lists, medical records, and bank account information. All of it now may be shared with the CIA and other intelligence agencies.

"Even before 9/11 and the passage of PATRIOT, the government was determined to use terrorism as a crowbar to pry into the private lives of citizens.

"For instance, in June of 2000 the bipartisan National Commission on Terrorism recommended the FBI and CIA be allowed to "bend the rules to gather information on terrorist groups," CBS reported at the time. Even before this, in 1996, the Clinton administration proposed and Congress passed so-called anti-terrorism legislation that seriously endangered constitutional and statutory due process protections. PATRIOT has now opened the floodgates and allows the government to further erode constitutional protections.

Earlier this month, the FBI implemented guidelines allowing the agency to "conduct many more searches and wiretaps that are subject to oversight by a secret intelligence court rather than regular criminal courts," an official told the Washington Post. In other words, the FBI no longer need worry about your civil liberties, specifically privacy and due-process. Civil libertarians worry the new guidelines will be used in cases not related to terrorism, such as civil criminal cases.

""By eliminating any distinction between criminal and intelligence classifications, it reduces the respect for the ordinary constitutional protections that people have," Joshua L. Dratel, a New York lawyer who has filed legal briefs opposing government anti-terrorism policies, told The Washington Post. "It will result in a funneling of all cases into an intelligence mode. It's an end run around the Fourth Amendment."

"But it's not simply the Fourth Amendment under assault by the FBI, the Justice Department, and the Bushites -- the First Amendment is under attack as well.

"In November it was revealed that the FBI has meticulously collected extensive information on the tactics, training, and organization of antiwar demonstrators. In October the agency sent a memorandum to local law enforcement agencies sharing this information prior to demonstrations in Washington and San Francisco.

""The FBI is dangerously targeting Americans who are engaged in nothing more than lawful protest and dissent," Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, told the New York Times. "The line between terrorism and legitimate civil disobedience is blurred, and I have a serious concern about whether we're going back to the days of Hoover" and COINTELPRO.

""If COINTELPRO had been a short-lived aberration, the thorny problems of motivation, techniques, and control presented might be safely relegated to history," reported the Church Committee in 1975. "However, COINTELPRO existed for years on an 'ad hoc' basis before the formal programs were instituted, and more significantly, COINTELPRO-type activities may continue today under the rubric of 'investigation.'"

"Continue on an "ad hoc" basis they surely did -- as intrusive FBI activities directed against the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, Earth First! and Judi Bari, the General Union of Palestinian Students, the antiwar activist Brian Wilson and others after Hoover presumably shuttered COINTELPRO in the early 70s demonstrate. For as former FBI director Clarence M. Kelley testified before the Church Committee, when the government believes it is "faced with sufficient threat, covert disruption is justified" -- and the Constitution be damned.

"Bush's fraudulent terror alerts endeavor to convince America that "sufficient threat" exists to such a perilous degree from a largely mythical al-Qaeda that not only is "covert disruption" necessary -- as the FBI memorandum sent to local law enforcement alludes -- but a wholesale decimation of the Bill of Rights is also in order. PATROIT II -- with its specification that troublemakers shall be deported -- wasn't craft on a whim by legal clerks with nothing better to do at the Justice Department. It will be enacted and used in due time.

"Sooner or later there will need be a real "terrorist event" in America, lest Bush earn the same reputation as Aesop's wily sheep herder who cried wolf. No telling when exactly, but chances are it will go down late next summer, about the time usually obeisant Democrats get desperate about the idea of taking back the White House, not that they actually stand a snowball's chance in hell of doing so.

"Gen. Tommy Franks was not talking through his helmet -- these guys actually believe democracy is a "grand experiment" that has exceeded its shelf life. So stay tuned for a "casualty-producing event... that causes our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event."

"Martial law is rarely kind to dissenters."

" Kurt Nimmo is a photographer, multimedia artist and writer living in New Mexico. To see his photo work and read more of his essays, visit his excellent “Another Day in the Empire” weblog: "

by Kurt Nimmo
September 15, 2003
[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Kurt Nimmo,
Another Day In The Empire, and/or Dissident Voice.
All rights are reserved.]

""The sociopath sees other people as objects to be
manipulated and used, much as the rest of us would
use a screwdriver or a Kleenex. The sociopath feels
no empathy for others (although he can fake empathy)
and he feels no shame or remorse about abusing people.
In his universe, he is the center, and everyone else
exists only to serve him." --- Glenn Campbell"

"Christopher Columbus was a Sociopath"

""It appears to me, that the people are ingenious, and would be good servants and I am of the opinion that they would very readily become Christians, as they appear to have no religion," wrote Columbus in his journal upon encountering the natives of Guanahani.

"Columbus installed himself as "viceroy and governor of [the Caribbean islands] and the mainland" of America. He instituted slavery (encomiendo) and engaged in the systematic extermination of the native Taino population. These natives numbered approximately 8 million when Columbus arrived; upon his departure the Taino numbered around 100,000. A census taken in 1542 reported only 200 remained. By 1555 the natives of Haiti were completely extinct. "All told, it is probable that more than one hundred million native people were 'eliminated' in the course of Europe's ongoing 'civilization' of the Western Hemisphere," explains Ward Churchill.

""There are more American Indians alive today than there were when Columbus arrived or at any other time in history," radio talkshow know-it-all Rush Limbaugh once declared. "Does this sound like a record of genocide?"

"Yet according to the 2000 Census, there were 1,678,765 Indian Americans, down from an excess of 12 million prior to the arrival of Columbus. Not only is Limbaugh a liar -- he is an ignoramus. But then considering he makes a comfortable living inventing excuses for neocon sociopaths, this should probably be expected."

"Going after the New Canaanites"

"John Winthrop, the first governor of Massachusetts Bay, considered America the New Israel and the Puritans Israelites. Like the Zionists of today, these evangelical Puritans believed the land where millions of indigenous natives lived was for their exclusive use and possession, given to them by an Old Testament god. The American Indians were the "new Canaanites" in America's "Promised Land." It was the divine mission of the Puritans to convert these "Canaanites" to Christianity. If that failed, it was acceptable to slaughter them in the name of Christ.

""God laughed his Enemies and the Enemies of his People to Scorn, making them as a fiery Oven," declared Captain John Mason as he went about slaughtering the Pequot Indian tribe in 1637. "Thus did the Lord judge among the Heathen, filling the Place with dead Bodies." "Sometimes the Scripture declareth women and children must perish with their parents," added Captain John Underhill. "We have sufficient light from the Word of God for our proceedings." In other words, the Puritans referenced the Bible for genocidal inspiration, just as the Zionists and the Christian Zionists reference it today.

"Within two hundred years John Winthrop's New Israel became John L. O'Sullivan's Manifest Destiny. It contained similar evangelical Christian underpinnings. "It had a future that was destined by God to expand its borders, with no limit to area or country. All the traveling and expansion were part of the spirit of Manifest Destiny, a belief that it was God's will that Americans spread over the entire continent, and to control and populate the country as they see fit. Many expansionists conceived God as having the power to sustain and guide human destiny," notes Michael T. Lubragge. Manifest Destiny seized the Puritan notion of establishing a "city on a hill" and injected it with ideological and religious steroids. And like the Puritans, adherents of Manifest Destiny had no problem eliminating those who stood in their way -- namely Indians (and others).

"According to O'Sullivan, a democratic leader and influential editor, the unhindered imperialist expansion of European white people over native American land was "right such as that of the tree to the space of air and the earth suitable for the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth." Soon after O'Sullivan uttered these words, the United States declared war on Mexico and proceeded to grab much of what is now the Southwestern United States.

"William E. Channing, in a letter to Henry Clay in 1837, wrote that "the Indians have melted before the white man, and the mixed, degraded race of Mexico must melt before the Anglo-Saxon. Away with this vile sophistry! There is no necessity for crime. There is no fate to justify rapacious nations, any more than to justify gamblers and robbers, in plunder. We boast of the progress of society, and this progress consists in the substitution of reason and moral principle for the sway of brute force."

"So powerful was the "sway of brute force" mingled with religious fanaticism in the name of empire that Albert T. Beveridge stood before the Senate and proclaimed: "God has not been preparing the English-speaking and Tectonic peoples for a thousand years for nothing but vain and idle self-admiration. No! He has made us the master organizers of the world to establish system where chaos reigns... He has made us adepts in government that we may administer government among savages and senile peoples." If you edit out the overt racism and over-the-top religiosity from the above statement it sounds close to something a neocon sociopath told the Wall Street Journal last week. It's a "clash of civilizations" driving the neocon war against the Third World, the idea that our everybody on the planet should have "democracy" forced on them at gunpoint. No doubt Albert T. Beveridge would nod his head in agreement if he were alive today."

"Chronic Wrongdoing in the Empire"

"But it wasn't strictly the American West and Mexico where Manifest Destiny came into destructive play. The U.S. intervened militarily in Puerto Rico (1824), Nicaragua (1857 and 1860), and in the province of Panama (1860). In 1898, President McKinley used the accidental explosion aboard the U.S. battleship Maine in Havana harbor as a pretext to launch the Spanish-American war and invade and occupy Cuba.

""Incidental to our tenure in the Philippines is the commercial opportunity to which American statesmanship cannot be indifferent," declared McKinley as Admiral Dewey destroyed Spain's Pacific fleet at Cavite, in the Philippines. The "annexation" of the Philippines resulted in 200,000 civilian dead and nearly fifty years of U.S. colonialism. "Whatever a man feels or thinks or does, there is never any but one reason for it -- and that is a selfish one," wrote Mark Twain of the invasion and occupation of the Philippines.

""Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the U.S., however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power," said President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903. In other words, the United States felt compelled to protect the interests of the United Fruit Company in Costa Rica, Colombia, and Venezuela.

"The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine in 1905 declared the United States to be the policeman of the Caribbean. That same year the Dominican Republic was placed under a customs receivership, i.e., the U.S. would run its affairs and decide what particular sociopath would act as its unelected leader, so long as he knew how the treat the locals when they revolted, as they did on occasion. So feverish was the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine that when the Mexicans refused to salute the U.S. flag, a battleship shelled Veracruz and Marines invaded part of the city."

"American Sociopaths: Serving Other Imperatives"

"And so U.S. sociopaths behaved for most of the 20th century. "The engine of American foreign policy has been fueled not by a devotion to any kind of morality, but rather by the necessity to serve other imperatives," writes William Blum (a lack of moral sense is a key attribute of clinical sociopathy). As the meticulous research of Blum demonstrates, the United States intervened covertly and overtly in:

"China (1945-49)
Italy (1947-48)
Greece (1947-49 and 1964-74)
the Philippines (1945-53)
South Korea (1945-53)
Albania (1949-53)
Iran (1953)
Guatemala (1953-1990s)
the Middle East (1956-58)
Indonesia (1957-58 and 1965)
British Guiana/Guyana (1953-64)
Vietnam (1950-73), Cambodia (1955-73)
the Congo/Zaire (1960-65)
Brazil (1961-64)
the Dominican Republic (1963-66)
Cuba (1959 to present)
Chile (1964-73)
East Timor (1975 to present)
Nicaragua (1978-89)
Grenada (1979-84)
Libya (1981-89)
Panama (1989)
Iraq (1990s and 2003)
Afghanistan (1979-92 and 2001 to the present)
El Salvador (1980-92)
Yugoslavia (1999)"

"These interventions and covert underminings have resulted in numerous military coups, countless tortures, disappearances, mass starvation, assassinations, and literally millions of dead people all over the world (200,000 in East Timor out of a population of between 600,000 and 700,000; a million in Indonesia; 75,000 in El Salvador; 100,000 in Guatemala; upward to 2 million in Cambodia; 3 million in Vietnam)."

"Creative Destruction: the Neocon Sociopaths"

"The Bush neocons are simply the most recent and some would argue the most vicious and ideologically demented of a long line of American sociopaths serving empire and pathologically selfish personal interests. While an earlier sociopath, Albert T. Beveridge, believed the Judeo-Christian god "has made us the master organizers of the world to establish system where chaos reigns," present day neocon sociopath Michael Ledeen has embraced chaos and declares "Creative destruction is our middle name. We do it automatically...."

"Ledeen may sincerely believe this form of destruction -- the neocon "sway of brute force" in the name of a renewed and updated version of global Manifest Destiny and an Americanized "city on a hill" -- may be "creative," but for thousands of Iraqis and Afghans it is nothing less than merciless barbarism, pernicious mass murder. Spreading between 1000-2000 tons of depleted uranium over the Iraqi countryside is anything but creative -- it is a war crime of a nearly unimaginable magnitude, an immeasurably destructive act.

"The neocons, of course, are not the only ideological sociopaths on the block. Large organizations of monetary sociopaths -- most notably the IMF and World Bank -- have no interest in "Christianizing" natives in the Third World, but are as interested in gold -- or rather the new financial gold produced through debt -- as Columbus and the Conquistadors.

""Debt is an efficient tool," writes Susan George. "It ensures access to other peoples' raw materials and infrastructure on the cheapest possible terms." Just as sociopaths following the selfish white-only Christian contrivances of Manifest Destiny plotted to strip the Pequot, Narragansetts, the Mohawks, the Pokanoket and many other tribes of their ancestral land, so the sociopaths at the helm of the IMF and World Bank conspire to steal land from the original indigenous peoples of Papua New Guinea and elsewhere. According to UNICEF, 500,000 children per year die because of IMF and World Bank "structural readjustment programs," the main tool used to gain control of land and natural resources in the Third World. Only a sociopath can sit in an office on Wall Street or in Singapore and not be disturbed by the mass suffering and death caused by these criminal financial policies.

""The United States achieved its present position of strength not by practicing a foreign policy of live and let live, nor by passively waiting for threats to arise, but by actively promoting American principles of governance abroad -- democracy, free markets, respect for liberty," explain the neocon twins Bill Kristol and Robert Kagan. In other words, the United States has consistently employed military force to impose "free markets" and "democracy" -- as defined by Wall Street, investment bankers, transnational corporations, the IMF and World Bank -- on the Third World. "Support for American principles around the world can be sustained only by the continuing exertion of American influence.""

"Resistance to the Imperial Drive of the Neocon Sociopath"

"As Ken Reiner notes, people need to understand the neocon military/transnational vision of world domination -- and soon. If left unchecked, "America will continue its imperial drive, utilizing its World Bank, IMF and WTO to place the entire world under corporate control and into conditions of slavery and colonialism. Concurrently it is uncontrollably on a path that will irreversibly destroy the environment and the lives of billions of helpless peoples throughout the world."

"In small ways, resistance to the master plan of the neocon sociopaths and the transnational corporations they work for is growing. For instance, on September 12, workers and farmers in Bangalore, India, destroyed a greenhouse at a research facility belonging to St. Louis-based Monsanto, which sells genetically modified seeds. "We timed the attack to draw the attention of those attending the World Trade Organization meeting in Cancun, Mexico," said M.D. Nanjundaswamy, president of the Karnataka State Farmers Association, an organization opposed to the introduction of genetically altered cotton seeds in India, saying they are environmentally hazardous and could contaminate the genes of native varieties through cross pollination.

"From the Zapatista movement in Mexico to Sin Tierra in Brazil, to peasant movements in India and beyond, there is a growing activism in opposition to the inhumane neoliberal schemes of the neocons. Bush may attempt to attack these movements by clamping down on humanitarian NGOs -- who often work side by side with peasant groups -- but his efforts are destined to failure.

"Resistance is growing exponentially and eventually through patience and persistence the reign of the American sociopath may one day come to an end. Hopefully this will happen before the clique of neocon sociopaths in Washington -- espousing their own high-tech version of Manifest Destiny -- completely destroy the planet's already damaged biosphere."

" Kurt Nimmo is a photographer, multimedia artist and writer living in New Mexico. To see his photo work and read more of his essays, visit his excellent “Another Day in the Empire” weblog: "

Continued below:


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Going After the Left, Not al Q'aeda"
by Kurt Nimmo
Life in Neoconservative America
January 3, 2004
[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Kurt Nimmo
and/or Another Day In The Empire. All rights are reserved.]

"In an apparently ludicrous turn of events, the FBI warned local law enforcement across the country to be on the lookout for the latest al-Qaeda manual -- the Farmer's Almanac.

""The FBI is warning police nationwide to be alert for people carrying almanacs, cautioning that the popular reference books covering everything from abbreviations to weather trends could be used for terrorist planning," reports the Bush Ministry of Disinformation, Fox News Division. "It urged officers to watch during searches, traffic stops and other investigations for anyone carrying almanacs, especially if the books are annotated in suspicious ways."

""The practice of researching potential targets is consistent with known methods of Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations that seek to maximize the likelihood of operational success through careful planning," added the FBI.

"If the police discover anything "suspicious," they are to report it immediately to their local Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), according to the FBI bulletin released on Christmas Eve.

"JTTFs are new and relatively unknown. They are essentially the FBI's vanguard -- a crucial and emerging link between the FBI, various federal agencies, state law enforcement, and local police departments.

"The JTTF concept originally "began with 11 members from the NYPD and 11 FBI investigators," explains the Law Enforcement Agency Resource Network. "Today's task force, 1 of 16 nationwide, includes more than 140 members representing numerous federal and local agencies, such as the U.S. Marshals Service, the U.S. Department of State's Diplomatic Security Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the New York State Police, the NewYork/New Jersey Port Authority Police Department, and the U.S. Secret Service."

"In other words, the connecting tissue of the evolving surveillance state.

""All agencies participating in the JTTF sign a formal memorandum of understanding that clearly states the task force's two objectives... reactive: to respond to and investigate terrorist incidents or terrorist-related criminal activity and... proactive: to investigate domestic and foreign terrorist groups and individuals targeting or operating within the New York metropolitan area for the purpose of detecting, preventing, and prosecuting their criminal activity."

"JTTFs soon sprouted up all over the country.

""The joint terrorism tasks forces are chaired in 56 regions of the country by the FBI, and those task forces include members of other federal agencies, such as INS, Customs, AFT, and CIA, as well as state and local law enforcement. Homeland security would be included as well," noted FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III last month. "The importance of these task forces is that they have transformed a federal counter-terrorism effort into a national effort, creating a force multiplier effect, and indeed providing effective real-time information sharing among the participants."

"In other words, a federally coordinated police force integrating elements of the military, the CIA, numerous federal agencies, and nearly every police department in the nation.

"On March 4, Mueller told the Senate's Committee on the Judiciary that eventually 27,000 federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel would receive "specialized counterterrorism training," presumably with the help of the CIA.

"A few weeks after Mueller was talking up JTTFs before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, a bill (HR 3439) was introduced in Congress designed to "promote the sharing of personnel between Federal law enforcement agencies and other public law enforcement agencies, and for other purposes."

"Section 4 of this legislation will "detail any employee within the Central Intelligence Agency" to state and local law enforcement. In other words, your local police department may not only be working in tandem with the CIA, individual officers will also be "deputized" and answerable directly to the CIA. In order to do this, the bill will amend the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 and its long regretted (and often violated) restriction on domestic activities.

""We have increased the operational integration between the CIA and FBI since 9/11," noted Mueller in an FBI press release. "From my daily morning briefings with CIA officers and George Tenet to the widespread assignment of executives, Agents, and analysts between the two agencies since 9/11, the FBI and the CIA have become integrated at virtually every level of our operations."

"All of this follows the CIA's installation of analysts and covert action operatives in "each of the 56 FBI field offices in the United States" last year, according to the AP. The CIA claimed their agents would only serve only as "conduits of information," providing law enforcement with "distilled intelligence" from the CIA.

"But a spokesman also indicated members of the CIA's "operational branch" were among those being assigned to the domestic FBI offices -- in other words, "operatives responsible for carrying out dirty tricks ranging from election rigging to assassinations," as the AP characterized it.

"HR 3439 is so important it was immediately referred to the House committees on intelligence and the judiciary. One of the two sponsors of the bill is Rep. Martin Frost (D-TX). Frost represents a district in Dallas-Forth Worth and is the ranking Democrat on the House Rules Committee. He served previously on the House Select Committee on Homeland Security and is tight with major defense contractors such as Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin.

"In Portland, the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon was so concerned about the COINTELPRO-like aspects of JTTF operations they urged the Portland city council to enact "safeguards and insist that they apply to FBI agents, Portland Police and other members of the Task Force," according to the ACLU's Oregon web page. In essence, "Portland police officers are under the sole control and instruction of federal agents," apparently now including the CIA's operational branch.

"Meanwhile, on October 15, the ACLU filed suit against Denver, Colorado, seeking disclosure of a document that sets out the terms of the Denver Police Department's participation in the FBI's JTTF. Back in May the FBI admitted tapping into the Denver Police Department's surveillance files and also confirmed it had sought information on activists attending a protest rally in Colorado Springs.

""None of the files contained reports of violence, disruptiveness or lawlessness," reported Mike McPhee of the Denver Post. "In some cases, names were recorded of people who merely testified in support of legislation, or of African-American citizens who gathered to demand that more black professional athletes, particularly Denver Broncos, get more involved in community issues... In other cases, police recorded license plate numbers of people outside a mosque during a worship ceremony."

""An FBI anti-terrorism agent asked Springs police to provide him with the vehicle license-plate numbers of environmentalists who were picketing a timber-industry gathering at The Broadmoor hotel," reports the Colorado Springs Independent. "For civil libertarians, the incident and other recently surfaced evidence conjure up memories of the days when the FBI routinely spied on political dissidents [COINTELPRO] -- a practice that was condemned and officially ended following congressional hearings in 1976."

"The Denver police also provided the FBI with files from the Multi-Agency Group Intelligence Conferences, or MAGIC, a confab of federal and state agencies as well as approximately 20 law enforcement agencies from four states. According to the Denver Post, the MAGIC agenda list includes discussions of "extremist groups," such as the American Indian Movement, environmentalists, animal rights groups, and other organizations presumptuous enough to actually exercise their rights as guaranteed by the Constitution.

""Last Spring, Denver settled the Spy Files lawsuit and agreed it would stop collecting information about peaceful protesters who have no connection to criminal activity," said ACLU Legal Director Mark Silverstein. "The FBI, however, is not bound by the same restrictions, especially now that recently-relaxed FBI guidelines make it even easier for the agency to gather information on peaceful political activity. This raises the question whether Denver intelligence officers assigned to work full time for the JTTF must abide by Denver's new intelligence policy, or whether they are permitted to operate under the FBI rules that are much less protective of civil liberties."

"The FBI and its associated JTTFs are in the process of analyzing the information they receive from local law enforcement -- and much of it has nothing to do with al-Qaeda or Muslim miscreants.

"In fact, the FBI ignored leads and stymied investigations of al-Qaeda.

"Case in point: Zacarias Moussaoui.

"Even though French intelligence warned the FBI that Moussaoui was possibly connected to al-Qaeda, the agency did not take action or bother to question him. After the WTC and Pentagon lay in smoldering ruins, FBI agent Coleen Rowley wrote a thirteen page letter to Robert Mueller chastising the agency for not arresting Moussaoui prior to 9/11.

"John O'Neill, director of counterterrorism at the FBI office in New York, was so frustrated by the FBI's obstructing any serious al-Qaeda investigation that he consented to several interviews with Jean-Charles Brisardand and Guillaume Dasquié, authors of the controversial book "Ben Laden: La Vérité interdite" (Bin Laden: the Forbidden Truth). O'Neill accuses the Bushites and the FBI of implementing a high-level intelligence block in order to protect business relationships between the Saudi royal family, the Taliban, and the Bush family.

"And then there's FBI agent Robert Wright. According to an LA Weekly story published in August 2002, Wright informed his superiors of the existence of alleged terrorist training camps in Chicago and Kansas City connected to the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City. Instead of taking action, the FBI silenced Wright.

"The FBI is attempting to squelch the publication of a book manuscript authored by Wright. "The FBI continues to illegally refuse the release of ... Wright's 500 page manuscript, 'Fatal Betrayals of the Intelligence Mission,' that... Wright submitted for prepublication review in October 2001," writes Judicial Watch in a press release. "In fact, the FBI refused to turn the manuscript over to Sen. Richard C. Shelby, Vice Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, charged with investigating the FBI's intelligence failures."

"No such hesitation exists when the FBI investigates progressives.

""The FBI puts far more resources and energy into neutralizing political opponents, activists and whistle blowers than it does into stopping real terrorism," writes Charles Amsellem for LA's IndyMedia.

"On November 23, Eric Lichtblau of the New York Times revealed a classified FBI memo advising "local law enforcement officials to report any suspicious activity at protests to its counterterrorism squads," in other words the JTTFs.

"The FBI collected information on the tactics, training, and organization of antiwar demonstrators, ostensibly to control "extremist elements" plotting violence. It stressed the snooping was not for the purpose of monitoring the political speech of lawful protesters.

""Routine spying on dissidents is a sign of a police state, and unless we stop this administration's cavalier attitude towards fundamental rights we face a serious threat to our democracy," warned Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights.

"Routine spying on political enemies is the FBI's raison d'être.

"In fact, the FBI's predecessor, the Department of Investigation, spent much of its time rounding up draft resisters during World War I and conducting illegal dragnet arrests of tens of thousands of anarchists, socialists, and labor activists. Nothing much has changed over the years, even though Hollywood likes to portray the FBI as an agency concerned with protecting Americans from the likes Al Capone, John Dillinger, and John Gotti.

""Even before September 11, the government was running COINTELPRO-style operations against a coalition of radical labor, environmental, and human rights organizations opposed to corporate control of the global economy," writes Jim Redden, author of Snitch Culture: How Citizens Are Turned into the Eyes and Ears of the State. "The truth is, there's a long and sordid history of government operatives committing the very crimes they are supposed to prevent and setting up dissidents with phony charges."

"On May 30, 2002, AG Ashcroft effectively abolished restrictions on FBI surveillance, gutting guidelines created by the Ford Administration after the Church Committee, led by Idaho senator Frank Church, discovered widespread constitutional abuses under COINTELPRO. "The American people need to be reassured that never again will an agency of the government be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers a threat to the established order," Sen. Church declared at the time.

"Ashcroft and the Bushites have effectively trashed the idea that people exercising First Amendment rights of freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly should not investigated without probable cause. Indeed, the Bushites are conducting "a secret war against those citizens [the Bushites consider] a threat to the established order."

"David Cohen, a former chief of the CIA's covert operations division, was hired in the wake of 9/11 to run New York City's intelligence unit. He immediately set out to eviscerate the Handschu agreement, a set of guidelines established in 1985 as a result of a 1971 class-action lawsuit filed by political activists who accused NYC's notorious Red Squad and BOSS -- the NYPD's Bureau of Strategic Services -- of using dossiers and undercover cops against constitutionally protected dissent. On February 13, 2003, a federal judge overturned the agreement.

"Cohen went after Handschu in the wake of an earlier ruling by a federal court that had weakened similar guidelines in Chicago. Guidelines were put in place after revelations detailing more than 500 FBI black bag jobs and aggressive police surveillance and harassment of political opponents of the mayor. "Police went to our fundraisers and recorded license plate numbers," Harvey Grossman, director of the ACLU's Illinois office, told the Washington Post last year. "They kept voluminous files on the NAACP and the League of Women Voters. This is a history we ought not to forget."

"Resurgent Red Squads and police intelligence units all across the country are now working directly with the FBI, the JTTFs, the Ministry of Homeland Security, and the neighborly folks over at the CIA.

"As author Jonathan Vankin notes, in the 1960s the CIA infiltrated police departments around the country and trained officers in clandestine methods. According to Verne Lyon, a former CIA undercover operative, the CIA "used its contacts with local police departments and their intelligence units to pick up its 'police skills' and began in earnest to pull off burglaries, illegal entries, use of explosives, criminal frame-ups, shared interrogations, and disinformation [against domestic political groups]. CIA teams purchased sophisticated equipment for many starved police departments and in return got to see arrest records, suspect lists, and intelligence reports. Many large police departments, in conjunction with the CIA, carried out illegal, warrantless searches of private properties."

"The FBI, on the other hand, worked mostly above board with police departments to neutralize political enemies. "A striking feature of Hoover's approach to political spying was the close coordination between the FBI and local police departments," explains Earl Ofari Hutchinson of Pacific News Service. "This was apparent when the FBI launched deadly search and destroy missions jointly with local police in several cities in 1969 against the Black Panther Party."

"Since 9/11 the CIA, the FBI, the Justice Department, the Internal Revenue Service, postal, customs, and immigration inspectors, and the Ministry of Homeland Security work together as an integrated national police force. As well, the Pentagon's Northern Command and the Ministry of Homeland Security have created domestic intelligence departments.

"Look no further than COINTELPRO and Operation CHAOS to understand the preferred modus operandi.

"Particularly worrisome is the unchecked participation of the CIA, notorious for its organizational elan in regard to coups, death squads, and studious compilation of "subversive" hit and disappearance lists for use by sadistic thugs and dictators in such far-flung places as Chile, Turkey, the Dominican Republic, Vietnam, El Salvador, and elsewhere. In 1983 the CIA published the "Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual," Orwellian doublespeak for a torture how-to book spelling out methods used in Honduras against labor organizers and indigenous rights activists.

"Like the Geheime Staatspolizei, or Gestapo, in Nazi Germany, the Bush organized national police and military force will eventually predominate all aspects of law enforcement and federal regulation. It will not answer to the people and will not be subject to public oversight. Its abuses and constitutional violations may never again face the light of day before a Church Committee.

"As absurd as the latest FBI mandate sent to 18,000 police organizations to be on the lookout for "terrorists" bearing copies of the Farmer's Almanac may seem, it is an example how the Bushites are working hand-in-glove with local law enforcement (and state and federal agencies) in a coordinated effort to manufacture a police state of truly monumental and technologically sophisticated proportions.

"The Bush police state target is nominally al-Qaeda, a largely mythical organization created by the CIA now serving as a convenient bogeyman for both domestic and international purposes. It is mostly an Emmanuel Goldstein scheme designed to anger and spook the public and allow the Bushites to push agenda of military expansion abroad and police state repression at home.

"It's not a cardboard and stage-managed al-Qaeda the Bushites have their sights trained on, but rather the progressive movements of America, traditional adversaries of the reactionary police state and the ruling elite it represents."

"Kurt Nimmo is a photographer and multimedia developer in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Visit his excellent no-holds-barred blog at: . Nimmo is a contributor to Cockburn and St. Clair's: The Politics of Anti-Semitism . A collection of his essays for CounterPunch: Another Day in the Empire will soon be published by Dandelion Books."

" He can be reached at: ."

" Other Articles by Kurt Nimmo include:

* No More Mr. Nice Guy: Bush Gets Serious About Killing Iraqis ;

* Newt Gingrich: Growing the Dictatorship in Iraq ;

* Bush Ministry of Disinformation Editor Gets "Freedom" Medal ;

* Zionism's Useful Idiots ;

* No Apologies for Wolfowitz the Microbe ;

* Sailor-Mongering Civil Disobedience: The Justice Dept's War Against Greenpeace ;

* Criticizing Zionism: Naked Anti-Semitism? ;

* Shock Therapy and the Israel Scenario ;

* Cuba and the "Necessary Viciousness" of the Bushites

* Bush's Speech: Internationalizing the Whirlwind ;

* The Imam Ali Mosque Bombing: Round Up the Usual Suspects ;

* Iraq's WMD: The Lie that Will Never Die ;

* UN Bombing: Terrorism or National Liberation? ;

* Saddam Hussein: Taking Out the CIA's Trash ;

* The Bug Exterminator Goes to Jerusalem ; and,

* Bread, Circuses, Uday and Qusay ."


by Kurt Nimmo
Life in Neoconservative America
December 31, 2003
[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Kurt Nimmo
and/or Another Day In The Empire. All rights are reserved.]

"Ground attack. That's how Bill Young, the sheriff in Las Vegas, characterized the threat. That's why there will be helicopters in the sky. That's why a no-fly zone was declared. That's why there will be sharpshooters posted on hotel-casino roofs and streets will be blocked off with concrete barricades.

""Thousands of local officers and federal agents were to fan out through Pasadena, Calif., where revelers gather along the 5-mile Rose Parade route and attend the Rose Bowl football game," reports the Bush Ministry of Disinformation (BMD),2933,
. "Video surveillance cameras were to capture images of spectators lining the streets."

""We know that New York remains at the top of the terrorist target list and therefore we have to remain vigilant," said Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. "People coming into Times Square will see large numbers of uniformed officers backed by our specialized units and sophisticated equipment."

""Because of the code orange, we're asking people to be extra alert and asking anyone who sees anything odd to talk to an officer," said Columbus, Ohio, Police Chief Lt. Karl Barth. "There will be a lot of officers around."

"In New York, they are sending the message. The Hercules Team is on the street. It's part of Operation Atlas. "Operation Atlas incorporates elements of Archangel that outlined methods for responding to terrorist acts, including biological and chemical assaults," explains the NYPD News "Operation Atlas would also make use of units, called Hammer teams, that deal with incidents involving hazardous materials. Those teams comprise police and Fire Department personnel."

"Hercules Team. Operation Atlas. Archangel. The militarization of America against a fallacious threat posed by largely mythical "Global Network of Terror"
manufactured by the CIA.

"Phalanxes of cops backed by "specialized units" bearing "sophisticated equipment." Hammer teams. Cops garbed out like soldiers. Helicopters. But not just your run-of-the-mill helicopters -- "Blackhawk helicopters supplied by the Homeland Security Department."
Video surveillance cameras. Sharpshooters. Concrete barriers. None of this stuff will protect you from al-Qaeda. Not that you have to worry about al-Qaeda.

"You should be more worried about Bush's police state

""We have not been attacked again ... this is difficult to prove ... But are we better prepared? Absolutely. Are we much more engaged in investigations and gathering intelligence? Absolutely. Are we better prepared to respond? No question," boasted Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly

"Gathering intelligence on guys with satellite phones in caves half way around the world or antiwar demonstrators http://www.VeteransFor
? Well, you never know. Osama may be infiltrating the antiwar movement.

""Iraq sent spies from Canada to New York and Washington... to snoop and stir up anti-war demonstrations, according to a government report obtained by the New York Daily News
... The threats, disclosed to U.S. spy agencies... are detailed in a secret report prepared by an intelligence unit in the Homeland Security Department."

""I think the level of security this time around within the United States is absolutely unprecedented," Ministry Secretary Tom Ridge told BMD, ABC News Division

"It sure is. Because there's a message to send.

"(That message is): we (now) live in a police state."

" Kurt Nimmo is a photographer, multimedia artist and writer living in New Mexico. To see his photo work and read more of his essays, visit his excellent “Another Day in the Empire” weblog: "

Operation Mass Appeal And Operation Rockingham"
by Kurt Nimmo
Life in Neoconservative America
December 31, 2003
[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Kurt Nimmo
and/or Another Day In The Empire. All rights are reserved.]

"A Google news search does not turn up a single mention of Operation Mass Appeal in the "mainstream" corporate media. Is it any wonder the vast majority of Americans are essentially brain-dead when it comes down to understanding how their government with the help of the Brits staged the entire invasion of Iraq and predicated it on a slew of lies?

""The [British] Secret Intelligence Service has run an operation to gain public support for sanctions and the use of military force in Iraq," writes the London Sunday Times
. "The government yesterday confirmed that MI6 had organized Operation Mass Appeal, a campaign to plant stories in the media about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction."

""A senior official admitted that MI6 had been at the heart of a campaign launched in the late 1990s to spread information about Saddam's development of nerve agents and other weapons, but denied that it had planted misinformation."

"Since Saddam didn't actually have any WMDs http://www.Information
after Gulf Invasion I, the only logical conclusion is that the "information" was contrived and planted.

"Google turned up zero results on Operation Rockingham in the corporate media. "Established after the first Gulf War, Rockingham 'cherry-picked' intelligence to fit the hidden agenda of justifying sanctions and, later, war with Iraq," writes Subliminal News (see link above). "The politicized process produced misleading intelligence to the rest of the British government, much as the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans
did here in the US."

"David Kelly
made reference to this operation before he turned up dead, as many intelligence operatives do when they stray from the straight and narrow. "Within the defense intelligence services I liaise with the Rockingham cell," admitted Kelly the day before his mysterious death.

""Britain and America were involved [in the 1990s and up to 2003] in a programme of joint exploitation of intelligence from Iraqi defectors," former UNSCOM inspector Scott Ritter told the Scottish Sunday Herald,3604,1089931,00.html in June. "There were mountains of information coming from these defectors, and Rockingham staff were receiving it and then selectively culling [picking out] reports that sustained the [WMD] claims. They ignored the vast majority of the data which mitigated against such claims."

""Only one other official reference to Operation Rockingham is on record, in an aside by Brigadier Richard Holmes when giving evidence to the defense select committee in 1998," explains the Guardian (see previous link). "He linked it to Unscom inspections, but it was clear that the Rockingham staff included military officers and intelligence services representatives together with civilian MoD personnel. Within, therefore, the UK intelligence establishment -- MI6, MI5, GCHQ and defense intelligence -- Rockingham clearly had a central, though covert, role in seeking to prove an active Iraqi WMD programme."

"The people who created Rockingham are "a group of ideologues with pre-determined notions of truth and reality," Ritter told the Sunday Herald. "They take bits of intelligence to support their agenda and ignore anything contrary. They should be eliminated."

""We've entered the world of George Orwell," Larry Johnson, a former CIA officer, told the Herald
. "I'm disgusted. The truth has to be told. We can't allow our leaders to use bogus information to justify war."

"So long as the Bush Ministry of Disinformation is allowed to spread lies and deception -- and not report on such things as Operation Mass and Operation Rockingham -- there will be more invasions, more mass murder, more profits for the war merchants and Bush and Cheney's business buddies.

"Here's my New Year wish, as hopeless as it is -- every American will refuse to watch or read and mindlessly believe the lies repeated by the BMD and investigate these issues for themselves.

"Of course, I may as well wish for a pony."

" Kurt Nimmo is a photographer, multimedia artist and writer living in New Mexico. To see his photo work and read more of his essays, visit his excellent “Another Day in the Empire” weblog: "

by Kurt Nimmo
Life in Neoconservative America
December 29, 2003
[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Kurt Nimmo
and/or Another Day In The Empire. All rights are reserved.]

""True Americans are a dying breed; without question in the minority. It appears that the Satanists are taking over, as you cannot wave your little flag and scream for another's blood and call yourself a person of God. Nor can you believe that the most evil man ever to occupy the White House is receiving personal messages from God. Really, someone should be asking George Bush about those voices he hears. Facing facts, he needs to be carted off to a shrink's office. In handcuffs. Is there anyone out there in what once was the U.S.A. who believes this Napoleon wannabe? Can you not picture him in a padded cell?"

"Unfortunately, I'll probably be tossed in a camp before George Bush ever sees a shrink -- or for that matter faces an international tribunal in the Hague for crimes against humanity.

""We Americans, the few of us left, know (think about the word 'know' for a moment; a word that leaves no room for doubt) that September 11 was an inside job. We know that the CIA-groomed Osama bin Laden did not commandeer the felling of the World Trade Center, that Osama is a patsy, possibly a willing one. Probably, in fact, given that the bin Ladens have been in bed with the Bushes for many years through various dealings."

"We know but the vast majority of our fellow citizens know not. I can't help but think that if they did know they wouldn't especially care -- they know Bush lied about Iraq and they seem to think there's no problem with pathological and destructive lying. Same as those Good Germans who fawned over Hitler. I hate to say it... far too many Americans are mindless flag-wavers who want Big Brother to coddle them (i.e., feed them comforting and simplistic lies). The amazing thing is that Bush is nowhere near as good an orator as Hitler was -- but then Hitler didn't have the Bush Ministry of Disinformation, otherwise known as Fox, CNN, et al.

"People will believe whatever the president (even an unelected one) says because they are conditioned to unquestioningly accept authority, even if a semi-moron is the authority. Submission to authority is pumped into them from kindergarten onward. Mindless flag-waving is reinforced by the culture.

""The daunting task before the few remaining Americans is to convince our brethren, the Machiavellians, that they need to wake up. They will not be rewarded for their affinity with evil, we need to convince them. The law of the universe overshadows any man-made law. The law of the universe shall remain unbroken: Whatever you send out will boomerang."

"Good luck. Do you think I can get a guest spot on Sean Hannity's show? I almost made it on Alan Colmes' "liberal" radio show, but then I made the mistake of questioning how somebody who works for the Bush Ministry of Disinformation, Fox News Division, can actually be considered liberal, let alone progressive. Alan got mad at me. I didn't go on his radio show. So I missed my chance to "convince" America to "wake up" and smell the totalitarian coffee.

""In Listen, Little Man!, [Wilhelm] Reich lambastes the average citizen for not only cooperating with dictators such as Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin, but actually embracing them and worshipping them, as is now happening in the 'high approval ratings' for our illegally non-elected, illiterate, unilateralistic, plutocratic, dictatorial American president, not to put too fine a point on it," writes Norman D. Livergood "The 200% American jingoism that we suffered from for several months after 9/11 is somewhat subsiding -- one doesn't see the pickups with two large flags blowing in the breeze or the flags flying in front of homes 24 hours nonstop as much as before. But Americans are going to have to wake up and take responsibility for this new dictatorship or we're all going down the tubes!"

"I don't know if they can wake up from the "mass psychology of fascism" coma they are in. Reich tried to tell America about the "emotional plague" it suffered from -- not only allowing warmongers and authoritarians to rule the roost, but worshipping them -- and for his effort his was thrown in a federal clink where he ultimately died.

"As John Stuart Mill once said, "mankind can hardly be too often reminded, that there was once a man named Socrates, between whom and the legal authorities and public opinion of his time, there took place a memorable collision [so that Socrates was] put to death as a criminal (though he had truly done NOTHING worthy of the death penalty for)."

"Do you think much has changed since 399 BCE?"

" Quotes from "Machiavellia Uber Alles," and/or below, by Marilyn A. Guinnane. "

" Kurt Nimmo is a photographer, multimedia artist and writer living in New Mexico. To see his photo work and read more of his essays, visit his excellent “Another Day in the Empire” weblog: "

By Marilyn A. Guinnane
December 28, 2003
[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Marilyn A. Guinnane and/or All rights are reserved.]

"I have a smashing idea. Let's form a change-the-name group, proposing that this land we call home be renamed "Machiavellia". This way we would know from whence the name derived in addition to it being an appropriate name for a nation that launches pre-emptive strikes on little so-called third world countries, showering those countries with evil cluster bombs and worse, much worse, depleted uranium. The Machiavellians, you see, cheer their government on while it wages war on the civilian unborn of developing countries. Babies. Born with excruciating deformities. There is no way to clean up the radiation in the soil, the food supply, the water.

"We do not, as a whole, deserve to call ourselves Americans, and no longer should. Our parents and grandparents were Americans. They would have risen up, en masse, in protest. "This is not what we are about!" they would have shouted, first and foremost at the Supreme Court, the majority of them plainly corrupt, for these would-be "justices" are well aware that that rigged fiasco in Florida was no cause for them to set a precedent in APPOINTING the president of the United States. That act alone would have incited riots if not outright revolution. But then our parents were Americans, while we have evolved, backwards, into something else again.

"Machiavellian Condoleeza Rice has thus far refused to testify under oath before the committee supposedly investigating (or are they just going through the placating motions?) September 11. She is refusing to testify under oath because Mayor Willie Brown, in a moment of braggadocio, opened his big mouth. If he sang once he could sing again, she reasons, this time naming names, and she doesn't want perjury added to the list of charges that need to be brought against her. Or, actually, in our new Machiavellia, a medal. After all, the more evil you are in Machiavellia, the higher the praise. That George Bush actually has an approval rating at all, let alone one millions strong, tells the sorry tale. He actually stands a chance of winning the election this time, although with these easily manipulated electronic machines cropping up all over Machiavellia, we'll never truly know, will we? Does it matter? Whomsoever wins will be under the thumb of the global elite, who are the ones really running the show, and they want globalization. Period. Then they can change our planet's name from Earth to Machiavellia. What a plan!

"True Americans are a dying breed; without question in the minority. It appears that the Satanists are taking over, as you cannot wave your little flag and scream for another's blood and call yourself a person of God. Nor can you believe that the most evil man ever to occupy the White House is receiving personal messages from God. Really, someone should be asking George Bush about those voices he hears. Facing facts, he needs to be carted off to a shrink's office. In handcuffs. Is there anyone out there in what once was the U.S.A. who believes this Napoleon wannabe? Can you not picture him in a padded cell?

"We Americans, the few of us left, know (think about the word 'know' for a moment; a word that leaves no room for doubt) that September 11 was an inside job. We know that the CIA-groomed-Osama bin Laden did not commandeer the felling of the World Trade Center, that Osama is a patsy, possibly a willing one. Probably, in fact, given that the bin Ladens have been in bed with the Bushes for many years through various dealings.

"Yes. We "know."

"The daunting task before the few remaining Americans is to convince our brethren, the Machiavellians, that they need to wake up. They will not be rewarded for their affinity with evil, we need to convince them. The law of the universe overshadows any man-made law. The law of the universe shall remain unbroken: Whatever you send out will boomerang.

"And guess what, sports fans? You're next."

Marilyn A. Guinnane is a writer and contributor to and other publications. Contact her at:

by Noam Chomsky
December 22, 2003
First Published in ZNET
[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Noam Chomsky, ZNET and/or Dissident Voice. All rights are reserved.]

"All people who have any concern for human rights, justice and integrity should be overjoyed by the capture of Saddam Hussein, and should be awaiting a fair trial for him by an international tribunal.

"An indictment of Saddam's atrocities would include not only his slaughter and gassing of Kurds in 1988 but also, rather crucially, his massacre of the Shiite rebels who might have overthrown him in 1991.

"At the time, Washington and its allies held the "strikingly unanimous view (that) whatever the sins of the Iraqi leader, he offered the West and the region a better hope for his country's stability than did those who have suffered his repression," reported Alan Cowell in the New York Times.

"Last December, Jack Straw, Britain's foreign secretary, released a dossier of Saddam's crimes drawn almost entirely from the period of firm U.S.-British support of Saddam.

"With the usual display of moral integrity, Straw's report and Washington's reaction overlooked that support.

"Such practices reflect a trap deeply rooted in the intellectual culture generally - a trap sometimes called the doctrine of change of course, invoked in the United States every two or three years. The content of the doctrine is: "Yes, in the past we did some wrong things because of innocence or inadvertence. But now that's all over, so let's not waste any more time on this boring, stale stuff."

"The doctrine is dishonest and cowardly, but it does have advantages: It protects us from the danger of understanding what is happening before our eyes.

"For example, the Bush administration's original reason for going to war in Iraq was to save the world from a tyrant developing weapons of mass destruction and cultivating links to terror. Nobody believes that now, not even Bush's speech writers.

"The new reason is that we invaded Iraq to establish a democracy there and, in fact, to democratize the whole Middle East.

"Sometimes, the repetition of this democracy-building posture reaches the level of rapturous acclaim.

"Last month, for example, David Ignatius, the Washington Post commentator, described the invasion of Iraq as "the most idealistic war in modern times" - fought solely to bring democracy to Iraq and the region.

"Ignatius was particularly impressed with Paul Wolfowitz, "the Bush administration's idealist in chief," whom he described as a genuine intellectual who "bleeds for (the Arab world's) oppression and dreams of liberating it."

"Maybe that helps explain Wolfowitz's career - like his strong support for Suharto in Indonesia, one of the last century's worst mass murderers and aggressors, when Wolfowitz was ambassador to that country under Ronald Reagan.

"As the State Department official responsible for Asian affairs under Reagan, Wolfowitz oversaw support for the murderous dictators Chun of South Korea and Marcos of the Philippines.

"All this is irrelevant because of the convenient doctrine of change of course.

"So, yes, Wolfowitz's heart bleeds for the victims of oppression - and if the record shows the opposite, it's just that boring old stuff that we want to forget about.

"One might recall another recent illustration of Wolfowitz's love of democracy. The Turkish parliament, heeding its population's near-unanimous opposition to war in Iraq, refused to let U.S. forces deploy fully from Turkey. This caused absolute fury in Washington.

"Wolfowitz denounced the Turkish military for failing to intervene to overturn the decision. Turkey was listening to its people, not taking orders from Crawford, Texas, or Washington, D.C.

"The most recent chapter is Wolfowitz's "Determination and Findings" on bidding for lavish reconstruction contracts in Iraq. Excluded are countries where the government dared to take the same position as the vast majority of the population.

"Wolfowitz's alleged grounds are "security interests," which are non-existent, though the visceral hatred of democracy is hard to miss - along with the fact that Halliburton and Bechtel corporations will be free to "compete" with the vibrant democracy of Uzbekistan and the Solomon Islands, but not with leading industrial societies.

"What's revealing and important to the future is that Washington's display of contempt for democracy went side by side with a chorus of adulation about its yearning for democracy.

"To be able to carry that off is an impressive achievement, hard to mimic even in a totalitarian state.

"Iraqis have some insight into this process of conquerors and conquered.

"The British created Iraq for their own interests. When they ran that part of the world, they discussed how to set up what they called Arab facades - weak, pliable governments, parliamentary if possible, so long as the British effectively ruled.

"Who would expect that the United States would ever permit an independent Iraqi government to exist? Especially now that Washington has reserved the right to set up permanent military bases there, in the heart of the world's greatest oil-producing region, and has imposed an economic regime that no sovereign country would accept, putting the country's fate in the hands of Western corporations.

"Throughout history, even the harshest and most shameful measures are regularly accompanied by professions of noble intent - and rhetoric about bestowing freedom and independence.

"An honest look would only generalize Thomas Jefferson's observation on the world situation of his day: "We believe no more in Bonaparte's fighting merely for the liberties of the seas than in Great Britain's fighting for the liberties of mankind. The object is the same, to draw to themselves the power, the wealth and the resources of other nations.""

(['All people who have any concern for human rights, justice and integrity should be overjoyed with the prospect of the impeachment and arrest of George W. Bush and Company for war crimes, and should be seeking same and a fair trial for him by an international tribunal.'] All of this last paragraph added by me.)

" Noam Chomsky is an internationally renowned Professor of Linguistics at MIT, and is America's leading dissident intellectual. He is the author of many books including:

* Power and Terror (Seven Stories Press, 2003) ;

* 9-11 (Seven Stories Press, 2001) ;

* A New Generation Draws the Line (Verso, 2000) ;

* The New Military Humanism (Common Courage, 1999) ;

* And The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel & the Palestinians (South End Press, new edition 1999) ."

" His latest book is Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance ."

" The instant essay first appeared on ZNET ."

" Other Articles by Noam Chomsky include:

* The Iraq War and Contempt for Democracy

* Cuba in the Cross-Hairs: A Near Half-Century of Terror ;

* Dominance and its Dilemmas ;

* There's Good Reason to Fear US ;

* Iraq: Invasion That Will Live in Infamy ;

* Campus Activism and the Unpredictability of History ;

* The Case Against US Adventurism in Iraq ;

* Confronting the Empire

* Human Rights Week 2002 ;

* Why Not Let Iran Institute Democracy in Iraq? ;

* What Americans Have Learnt - and not Learnt - Since 9/11 ;

* Noam Chomsky On the Middle East and the US War on Terrorism; and,

* Terror and Just Response

" Audio Lectures by Noam Chomsky include:

* Iraq and the US Imperial Grand Strategy ; and,

* Iraq and the Peace Movement ."

" Dissident Voice website's Home Page is: ."





Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.


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Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

Thank you for your interest; and I hope you truly enjoyed your visit. Please come back soon and visit my site.

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