Topic: comments, politics, truth
"Dissent is the ESSENTIAL
aspect of patriotism"!
--Thomas Jefferson
As you may, or should, be aware, many people online are not what they represent themselves to be, and I have found out the hard way(s) to what evil extremes they will go in order to attempt to retaliate against people like myself who truly stand for freedom of speech, and human and civil rights. Many of these enemies of truth, who promote nothing but "selective" freedom of speech, actually have the temerity and gall to fraudulently and deceitfully claim that they fully believe in, support, defend, promote, and/or advocate for equal, human, civil, and legal rights, and start and/or have longstanding groups which misrepresent themselves as groups that "fully and freely" uphold those rights, while verbally attacking, libeling and slandering those such as myself who truly stand for equal, human, civil, and legal rights, and removing them from their group(s) for doing nothing but freely expressing truth, violating the very civil liberty rights to free speech that they falsely claim to uphold.
Therefore, anyone and everyone who visits my pages and/or group(s) who fits the foregoing description of civil liberties violators rather than true upholders of same, and/or advocates, promotes, defends, supports, believes in, and is thereby complicit in ANY human rights violations and/or crimes against humanity, of any and all kinds, and/or human rights abuses and crimes against humanity such as abortion and/or the death penalty in ANY way(s), please don't message me, e-mail me, invite me to join your group(s), and/or attempt to join any of the group(s) that I host.
Also, if you are wiccans, pagans, druids, witches, warlocks, gaians, occultists, and/or spiritualists, etc., of ANY and/or ALL kinds, please do NOT contact me in any fashion whatsoever either, nor invite me to join your groups, and/or try to join my group(s). I don't want to have ANYTHING to do with such people unless they TOTALLY repent and stop all such evil(s).
Instead, if you are one of those who supports any such "legalized" murder as the death penalty, abortion, and/or the evils of any and/or all spiritualism, before seeking me and/or my group(s) out, please seriously and thoroughly study the truth about spiritualism in God's Word(s), the Bible, and/or the issues and methods of abortion and/or the death penalty, re-examine your stand on these very important issues which NO ONE can conscientiously remain "neutral" on, and truly, fully and sincerely alter your stand on same to totally conform with God and with human rights; otherwise, I cannot with a clear conscience accept ANY contact, friend- ship and/or acquaintanceship with you, my membership in your groups, and/or your membership in ANY of my groups.
Thank you for all of your conscientious consideration of all the matters addressed in this introduction; and, if you are a true, full and complete defender of ALL human rights, and are against ALL spiritualism, I look forward to hearing from and/or "working" with you soon. To all those who are against ALL spiritualism, and do truly, fully and completely uphold, defend and promote ALL human rights without ANY exceptions WHATSOEVER, you are welcome to "work" with me in the defense of those rights by please contacting me in any of the ways available on this site. Thank you again for all of your time, and thoughtful and conscientious consideration.
Please check out the following great organizations and/or websites:
Posted by wolflegal1
at 12:01 AM MDT
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Updated: Tuesday, 15 July 2008 5:08 PM MDT