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Prescript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

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Excerpts From "ALL FALL DOWN: The Politics Of Terror
And Mass Persuasion
", By William Thomas

"Who Gave The Green Light For 9.11?", Part One; More
Excerpts From "ALL FALL DOWN", By William Thomas

"Who Gave The Green Light For 9.11?", Part Two; More
Excerpts From "ALL FALL DOWN", By William Thomas

"Don't Do It, Dubya"!, Part One"; More Excerpts From
"ALL FALL DOWN", By William Thomas

"Don't Do It, Dubya"!, Part Two"; More Excerpts From
"ALL FALL DOWN", By William Thomas

HERE ARE SOME GREAT EXCERPTS FROM WILLIAM THOMAS' BOOK, ALL FALL DOWN: The Politics Of Terror And Mass Persuasion, ADDED TO THE SITE ON 10-21-03 and 12-30-03:

"The Politics of Terror and Mass

"By William Thomas"

[Fifth Essence Publications-Canada Edition Copyright (c) 2002 in Canada, the U.S.A. and Internationally by William Thomas. All rights are reserved.]


"A Morning Like No Other"
"The Gang Who Couldn’t Fly Straight"
"War Games"
"The Trouble With “Terrorism”"
"Pipe Dreams"
"Drug Wars"
"Traders And Traitors"
"Minder Binder"
"Your Papers, Citizen"
"What now?"
"His Own Worst Enemy"
"Dealing With It"

"EXCERPTS FROM All Fall Down:"

"We came to this moment in ways and places we will never forget, holding our TV clickers as gingerly as betraying wands summoning an evil jinn. We watched slack-jawed, silent or silently cursing, unable to grasp what we were seeing. The images were grotesque, impossible, preposterous. Assailed by revulsion and vertigo, unable to look away, we watched hypnotized by horror as endless replays relentlessly revealed huge airliners floating through the air - too low! too low! - before banking like fighters to harpoon twin skyscrapers taller than three Titanics stood on-end.

"Staring like passengers assured of the absolute impossibility of the disaster now unfolding, we discovered that big buildings are just as vulnerable as big ships to the inexorable laws of mass, inertia, and gravity.

"Not since the funeral of a princess did an entire grieving world gape so grimly at the same event. From sunny fishing villages in Honshu, to sleepy European capitals, a bungalow in Maine, a hideout fitted with life-support for a Saudi millionaire…voices in a babble of dialects were shouting the same four words: "Turn on your TV!"

"One billion of us did. [page 1]

"The Federal Aviation Administration alerted NORAD to the first hijackings at 8:38…18 minutes later, a pair of F-15s was scrambled from Otis Air Force Base on Cape Cod 179 miles away. Ordered to keep their speed down to an airliner’s crawl - and denied permission to accelerate to 1,500 mph over the Atlantic Ocean - Otis’ Mach 2 fighters were 70 miles from Manhattan when the South Tower was struck. General Myers never mentioned that just 10 miles from the Pentagon, armed fighters were ready to launch. Tasked with defending the nation’s capitol against terrorist attacks, Andrews AFB boasts the 121st Fighter Squadron equipped with F-16s, and the 321st Marine Fighter Attack Squadron flying F/A-18s. Two “ready alert” jets are ready to intercept bogies 24-hours a day. But someone ordered the Andrews jets held on the ground. [page 9]

"At 9:55, Cheney reached Air Force One, recommending that Bush authorize the military to shoot down any rogue airliners. “You bet,” Bush replied. Moments later a military aide approached the vice president. “There is a plane 80 miles out,” he said. “There is a fighter in the area. Should we engage?”

"Cheney replied instantly, “Yes.” [page 10]

"Box-cutters were found on two flights diverted to Canada. As the Globe & Mail reported on June 13, 2002, a French Canadian general serving as deputy commander of NORAD on Sept. 11 suspects “there might have been more than just the four aircraft involved.”

"According to the Globe, when a Los Angeles-bound flight was grounded by emergency FAA orders at New York’s John F. Kennedy airport that fateful morning, “three Middle-Eastern passengers angrily demanded that the flight proceed and then were kicked off the plane, vanishing before police showed up. United Airlines Flight 23 was bound for the West Coast and full of fuel.” Among the “identified” hijackers, just who were these Arab aces whose names and photos were plastered worldwide across newspaper front pages and TV screens within days of the attacks? It turns out that one of the 19 “hijackers” had died the year before. At least six are still alive! [page 24]

"After three sessions, white-knuckled instructors felt this Egyptian pilot was too incompetent to fly solo. Hanjour also trained for a few months in Scottsdale, Arizona back in 1996 - but washed out when instructors there felt he was too incompetent to fly.

"Yet, here he is supposedly at the controls of a jumbo jetliner circling at 7,000 feet. As the predatory profile of his jet overshadows the Pentagon inside its "No Fly Zone", no Stinger anti-aircraft missiles are fired, no evacuation orders given, no "fast-movers" zoom up Hanjour's "six" to disturb his concentration.

"Which is lucky for him. Because a pilot who flunked flying Cessnas does not need more distractions as he conducts a steep spiraling descent, diving through the remaining 7,000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes before leveling off to bring the big jetliner into the low-sided Pentagon. An airline pilot with 30,000 flying hours would never attempt a daredevil dive as tricky as this. As the ground rushed up to fill the windscreen, a recorded female voice would have commanded Hanjour to "Pull up! Pull up!" Even if the junior jet jockey complied, the sink rate of a heavy jet descending at nearly 3,000 feet-a-minute would tend to keep its flight path traveling downward even after Hanjour brought the nose up. [page 25]

"According to the New York Times, Atta never looked at his instructor. His attention span was zero. Al-Shehhi fared no better. “After some harsh words,” both fledgling militants moved on. Atta and al-Shehhi were not the only alleged terrorists who had trouble stretching their wings. Nawaq al-Hazmi and Khaid al-Mihdhar are alleged to have flown Flight 77. Both jet jockeys briefly attended a San Diego fight school, where they also washed out because of their limited English and incompetence at the controls. Al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar visited the San Diego airfield last spring seeking flying lessons. Instructors who love flying try hard to encourage slow students. But after just two flying lessons, their shaken instructors said “no more,” and advised al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar to quit. “Their English was horrible, and their mechanical skills were even worse,” one instructor told the Washington Post. “It was like they had hardly even ever driven a car.” [page 28]

"Central Asian observers observe that America’s interests in their countries are fueled by oil, not good intentions. Reporting from New Delhi, the Asia Times explained how strategic considerations make the US military presence in Afghanistan and the Central Asian states “not unlike that over the oil-rich Gulf states.” According to The American Reporter, within another 50 years Central Asia will account for 80% of world oil needs. The Big Secret is that long before another five decades pass, if Washington and Whitehall do not gain control over Central Asia’s “black gold”, both allied cultures will run out of gas. Writing in The Ecologist of the abrupt transition from three-car families to empty tanks, David Fleming suggests, “the speed at which it arrives could be startling.” [page 84]

"In late June, more than two months before attacks on America provided a pretext for war, consultations between Secretary of State Colin Powell and the Russian and Indian foreign ministers reached a decision to invade Afghanistan… India and Iran announced that they would “facilitate” the coming US-Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Washington said it would not drop its invasion plan - even if bin Laden were to be surrendered immediately by the Taliban. [page 98]

"Former Green Beret Tyree testified that as early as 1975 drugs were being flown into Panama for transshipment to Arkansas - a state referred to by insiders as the CIA's own "Banana Republic" inside the United States. He should know. Tyree served as crew chief on a US Army helicopter taking part in "Operation Watchtower". Flying more than 100 unmarked cargo planeloads of cocaine out of Colombia into Albrook Air Station, Panama between December 1975 and early March 1976, Tyree watched cocaine being offloaded under the watchful gaze of an Army mission commander, three named CIA officers, an Israeli colonel, and another colonel called Manuel Noriega. [page 102]

"At least 21 White House and military intelligence agencies run back door “black” projects unaccountable to Congress or the American people. Other “shadow” agencies operating at the executive level of the federal government include the National Security Council, the 5412 Committee, the PI-40 subcommittee, Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Special Operations, National Program Office, and the “black ops” compartment of the Federal Emergency Management Agency known as FEMA. In practice, the shadow government often works at cross-purposes to legitimate law enforcement and other agencies, using their highly publicized objectives as a convenient cover for “counter-ops” that thrive on the confusion and contradictions they create. Let’s put some names to the unofficial US government “shadow” departments and see how they have actually worked to circumvent the will of Congress and the American public. [page 105]

"Bo was blown away when Sa said he would cut off all drugs flowing from the Golden Triangle, if Washington would recognize his Shan state. A grinning Grits was whisked to Washington, where he reported to Harvey that the president's "War On Drugs" was just about won. Instead of acclaiming Grits as a genius and savior of American youth, senior US officials panicked. Harvey called Grits back and asked him what he was doing meddling outside his mandate. Harvey ordered the officer to "erase and forget" everything about his time in the Golden Triangle. "If you don't stop everything you're doing, you're gonna serve 15 years in prison as a felon," Harvey harangued. The elder Bush went ballistic over Grits' gritty initiative, which could have choked off most of the heroin entering the United States - along with the White House skim. [page 106]

"On or about July 4, 2001 Osama bin Laden was flown by a private Saudi jet with no registered flight plan to Abu Dubai, Saudi Arabia. When he checked into the American Hospital for emergency care, the outlaw with a $5 million US bounty on his head was accompanied by Ayman al-Zawahari, four bodyguards, an Egyptian MD and a male Algerian nurse from bin Laden’s residence in Quetta, Pakistan. According to Le Figaro, “Throughout his stay in the hospital, Osama Bin Laden received visits from many family members and Saudi Arabian Emirate personalities of status. During this time the local representative of the CIA was seen by many people taking the elevator and going to bin Laden’s room.” [page 127]

"Even the New York Times finally choked on a presidential police state. In an editorial headlined, “Seizing Dictatorial Power” one of America’s most respected columnists blasted Bush for mounting what amounts to a silent coup. [page 143]"

"Order your copy of All Fall Down"

More "excerpts from: ALL FALL DOWN:"
"The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion"
(Chapters 10 through 12, pages 204 to 246)

"By William Thomas"

[Fifth Essence Publications-Canada Edition Copyright (c) 2002 in Canada, the U.S.A. and Internationally by William Thomas. All rights are reserved.]


""Nothing would be what it is. Because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary-wise --what it is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?" --- Alice in Wonderland", by Lewis Carroll [International copyright (c) by Lewis Carroll, his Estate, and/or the Publishers. All rights are reserved.]

"Rightly or wrongly, Alice had it right. Or, as that great Yogi named Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

"Confuse people long enough (about 25 seconds for the average TV viewer) - and they will click channels, tune into less arduous distractions, and reset their brains to “snooze” control.

"It’s a time-tested formula. Everyone who runs a scam for personal, political or financial gain relies on their audience’s fractured attention to get away with story lines that seem absolutely compelling in the heat of some manufactured moment - but collapse into complete nonsense if we run the tape back and view it frame-by-frame.

"Take the events Sept. 11, 2001. Absolutely riveting video, relentlessly repeated. Authoritative news anchors looking dazed and grim, throwing out official statements like lifelines to millions of dazed and desperate viewers drowning in shock and disorientation.

"It couldn’t be real, but it had to be true."

"So we bought it. Or most of it anyway. We didn’t ask why intelligence agencies who couldn’t catch a whiff of the most complex “hit” since the invasion of Normandy knew the names of 19 cremated hijackers and their renal-challenged ringleader within 48 hours of attacks that killed 50,000, no 25,000, no 6,000, no 2,500 people..

"We didn’t ask how frightened young men who couldn’t fly Cessnas could navigate and steer heavy jets into their targets. Or why none of their names turned up on the passenger lists of the four airplanes they were supposed to have commandeered. (Total number of Middle Easterners among 257 passengers and crew: zero.)

"We didn’t ask what the United and American pilots (three of them military veterans) were doing while men armed with quarter-inch knives demanded death to fellow Americans, why their cockpit conversations were never released, why eight indestructible “black boxes” holding the keys to so many questions were rendered “inoperable” while hijackers’ paper passports escaped explosions and fire unscathed.

"We didn’t ask why a plane supposedly driven by its passengers into two separate crash sites in the Pennsylvania countryside came apart in mid-air. Or why the president of the United States remained more interested in the story of a pet goat than reports of airliners crashing into Manhattan skyscrapers and the Pentagon.

"We didn’t ask why U.S. forces were poised to attack across the Tajikistan border into Afghanistan in an assault announced last June - but could not scramble a single fighter to defend the U.S. capitol before three airliners hit their targets on a sunny morning in September.

"We didn’t ask why the CIA met with an ailing Osama bin Laden in an American hospital as the biggest British battle fleet since the Falklands sailed for waters off Afghanistan, why Washington gave the Taliban $43 millions in May, or why the FBI and Attorney General of the United States repeatedly ignored warnings and blocked investigations into the impending attacks.

"We didn’t ask what the CIA was doing in the upper echelons of Big Banks that profited hugely from “short-selling” United and American Airlines stocks in the final days before someone dialed 9.11

"We didn’t ask why the head of the WTC arson investigation told reporters there were “explosive devices” in the building, why so few survivors were burned, or why New York firefighters were dragged away from Ground Zero just when the site was becoming safe and they were getting close to the bottom of things."

"We did not ask because we were not told what had really happened.

"Like good Germans in Hitler’s heyday, we looked the other way when more than 1,100 not-quite-white people bearing Middle Eastern names were thrown into U.S. prisons, interrogated, abused, held without notifying their families or lawyers - without ever being charged with terrorist acts. We were sure it couldn’t happen to us.

"Anthrax held us enthralled. Instead of asking what a “weaponized” strain of a decades old “Made In The USA” bacteria was doing in silent letter bombs, we clamored for risky antidotes and even more dangerous vaccines without stopping to consider that anthrax is not contagious, easily treated, rarely fatal - and that bee stings pose a far more serious threat to most Americans.

"Like frightened Germans after the Reichstag fire, we demanded that authorities “do something”. They did. A Constitution generations of Americans had given their lives to defend was suspended. Laws were quickly passed permitting surveillance, assets seizure, arrest and detention of “suspects” - without formal charges or judicial oversight. Evidence will be sealed. Special tribunals will hear these cases. Forcible quarantine and inoculations are next.

"A president who told Americans the day he “took” office - “If this were a dictatorship, it’d be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator” - appointed himself supreme ruler of a his new Supreme National Security Council. A hundred thousand troops were called up for “internal security”. And we said thank God, not realizing that soon perhaps we could be busted for that, too."

"FEMA is only for hurricanes, the Florida recount can wait, Timothy McVeigh blew up a big building with the same sort of fertilizer used to cover up his cohorts, Osama bin Laden is an ungrateful madman just like Saddam and Noriega and all the other thugs we’ve hugged, Bush’s “War on Drugs” is just as urgent and honest as his “War on Terrorism”. And kids as precious as our own being blown up in Afghanistan should just get out of the way.

"We have to get bin Laden. Or maybe we don’t. It’s no longer clear. For sure, we have to topple the Taliban. What they’re doing to women must be stopped. But now our leaders say maybe it would be okay if they rule the southern half of the country and let us take the rest where the pipelines have to go through.

"Pakistan is our ally. They are sending troops to fight on the side of the Taliban. They have nukes. The general who heads their intelligence service sent $100,000 to a fanatic the FBI says led the suicide planes against Manhattan. But it’s okay now. The FBI complained and the general has resigned."

"On Oct. 10, 2001 U.S. Ambassador Wendy Chamberlain called on the Pakistani oil minister to get moving on the stalled Unocal pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to a Pakistani port. Selling oil and gas to China is back on the table she says, “in view of recent geopolitical developments.”

"In the context of appeasing China, Chamberlain is an interesting name.

"In the context of Sept. 11, China’s ascension to the WTO before the WTC’s dust had settled seemed almost scripted. Like some kind of quid pro quo - you give us oil and a seat on the organization divvying up the world, we do something for you.

"What could that be? At least 15,000 Chinese Muslim troops have been sent to the defense of the Taliban.

"Some people think President Bush II’s second modern “crusade” is a contest between Allah and Christ. They are dangerously wrong. This war is being fought to reinstate the real “god” - gold, oil and drugs.

"You and I can switch to bicycles or electric cars. But militaries cannot convert to battery-operated battleships or B-52s. The hi-tech allied armed forces needed to keep a lid on people being ripped off - which includes just about everyone on the planet - is running out of oil. The world’s biggest remaining oil reserves are in the Caspian basin. A 20- billion barrel transfusion must begin flowing through 48-inch arteries just as soon as they can be laid across Afghanistan - and injected into the industrialized veins of increasingly desperate oil addicts.

"Forget global warming, catastrophic climate change, the oppressed women of Afghanistan, the starving millions shivering with the onset of winter, and millions more moderate Muslims who are beginning to believe that Osama bin Laden is right. We’re talking serious money here: $3 to $5 trillion worth of oil and natural gas, and hundreds of billions more in that other addiction supplied by a country called Afghanistan.

"An American administration intimately linked to the international drug trade and the banks that launder its dirty money has been beside itself since the Taliban declared poppy-growing against Shariah Islamic law. Maybe the mullahs were miffed at the CIA for cranking up Afghanistan’s heroin production to finance Osama bin Laden.

"Their decree was issued 19 months ago. The fields are fallow; 60% of U.S. heroin imports have been shut off. Junkies are having withdrawals almost as bad as the White House, where some $250 billion a year in illicit drug money waters Wall Street, Big Banks, and various Bushes.

"On the scale of national budgets, the only usable amounts of cash are in the drug trade. Everything else is a digital dream. If the drugs stop flowing, the world economy will instantly collapse.

"The “shadow” administration hopes Columbia can pick up the slack. But a few dedicated drug enforcement officials haven’t gotten the word. They keep cracking down on drug lords like Lehder linked to people with names like Cheney and Bush.

"All the details are in the lawsuits brought by a former Green Beret, a Contra drugs-for-arms dealer and smugglers gone straight.

"But the media ignores the news."

"It’s imperative that the Taliban get turfed and fresh poppies planted. Don’t get confused. These aren’t the poppies for Remembrance Day. Though in a way they are. Americans have been conned into wars for oil and drug profits beyond their knowledge or imagination since the U.S. Navy tracked the Japanese carriers steaming toward Pearl Harbor, the Maddox fought phantom Viet Cong gunboats in the Gulf of Tonkin, and Iraqi soldiers ignored the incubator babies in Kuwait.

"The documentation is voluminous. Much it comes from government sources. Does anyone really believe the puppeteers behind the Sept. 11 attackers do not have a similar agenda?

"You decide. Search the Internet. Check the references in the back of this book. Cultivate independent news sources. Evaluate. Read the evidence presented in All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion. See if it resonates.

"Ask yourself: “Who benefits? Who gains?”

"“Well,” says David Icke, "The Illuminati want a world government and army, a world currency and centralized global financial dictatorship and control. They want micro-chipped people and a society based on constant surveillance of all kinds at all times. And they want a frightened, docile, subservient, people who give their power away to the “authorities” who can save them from what they have been manipulated to fear."

"That pretty well nails it down."

"Ted Rall has traveled extensively through Central Asia. His cartoons are savagely astute. So is his analysis. Rall writes that the Sept. 11 attacks have provided Washington with “the perfect excuse to do what the U.S. has wanted all along - invade Afghanistan and install a puppet pipeline regime in Kabul.”

"Amend that to: “puppet poppy pipeline regime.”

"Michael Ruppert is a former LAPD investigator. He has submitted written testimony to the Senate Committee on Intelligence. After investigating the events leading up to Sept. 11, Ruppert responds, “I absolutely believe, at this moment, that the United States government had foreknowledge of the attacks and allowed them to occur.”

"Dr. Len Horowitz, the man who wrote the books on Washington’s complicity in a cull, says of Sept. 11: “There is a conspiracy within our own government - a conspiracy of silence at minimum.”

"After two solid months on this case, after evaluating gigabytes of corroborative information, after presenting the patterns formed by that evidence in this book, All Fall Down - I fully concur. There can be zero doubt that the attacks of Sept. 11 were foreseen and facilitated by agents and agencies within the United States government.

"I did not say, “initiated”. I have no evidence of that yet. But in any courtroom worthy of that name, accomplices to mass murder are no different from those who pull the triggers. Or fly the suicide planes."

"So what to do?

"In a media-branded “terrorist” camp in the British Columbia interior, where armed native warriors were preparing to defend their Shaman and their land against heavily armed tactical police, their leader pointed to the campfire we were sitting around and told me that he welcomed a massacre that would spark an uprising across Canada.

"Wolverine knew that provoking a heavy-handed response to one small band occupying ancestral lands would “scatter the embers” among the far-flung dry tinder of long-held resentments and rage.

"Osama bin Laden knows this too. The Iraqis, Jordanians and Saudis I met during the Gulf War were businessmen troubled by American terror from the skies. They come from a tribal people with long memories. Even the more moderate Koran they follow teaches the absolute obligation of the faithful to avenge the killing of innocents - unless acceptable reparations and apologies are made.

"Killing one million Iraqis - mostly children under the age of 15 - through bombings, radiations and epidemic-sparking sanctions--then bombing people with the lowest per-person calorie intake in the world and killing millions more in the coming cold of a mountain winter--is not a wise policy for anyone this side of such a vast gulf in history and perception.

"Not if we want to keep opening letters, boarding airliners and working in tall buildings.

"We certainly want to reduce the level of terror, certainly not escalate it,” Noam Chomsky told a San Francisco peace rally. “There is one easy way to do that and therefore it is never discussed. Namely stop participating in it. That would automatically reduce the level of terror enormously.”

"What else?

"“Beyond that, we should rethink the kinds of policies, and Afghanistan is not the only one, in which we organize and train terrorist armies. Rethink the policies that are creating a reservoir of support,” Chomsky adds.

"Want to stop terrorism dead in its tracks? Stop looking the other way. Stop arming people with heavy grievances and their own agendas. Take out the training camps, from Fort Benning, Georgia to the Beka’a Valley. Give angry, hungry kids in refugee camps a home, a homeland, an education, a stake in a worthwhile future.

"Give them respect.

"Listen to what they are saying. Before they feel driven to say it with 30-pounds of explosives strapped to their chests. The biggest thing I learned before bullets started flying at Gustafsen Lake is that people with grievances just want to be heard."

"Bill Moyers has another startling suggestion. Reduce our need for oil. In a keynote address to the Environmental Grantmakers Association on October 16, 2001 Moyers asked, "Do we want to send the terrorists a message? Go for conservation. Go for clean, home-grown energy."

"He said, "As for national security, well, it’s time to expose the energy plan before Congress for the dinosaur it is. Everyone knows America needs to reduce our reliance on fossil fuel. But this energy plan is more of the same: more subsidies for the rich, more pollution, more waste, more inefficiency... America's unchecked consumption of oil has become our Achilles heel. It leaves our economy dangerously vulnerable to price shocks. It invites environmental degradation, ecological disasters, and potentially catastrophic climate change."

"He's right."

"Feeling used, enslaved, scammed, betrayed, lied to, burned out, bummed out. manipulated, screwed over, mind controlled, emotionally blackmailed, tantalized, toyed with, jerked around, ripped off, threatened, harassed, patronized, exhorted, extorted, attacked by powerful interests who keep telling you it's all "for your own good" and that there is no such thing as conspiracy at high and hidden levels?

"Take heart! In September, 2001 more than 50 million North Americans accessed the Internet from their homes. An online community of real flesh and blood brothers and sisters is coming together very quickly now. Nothing is hidden, all is being rapidly revealed. Despite the complacent complicity of media mesmerizers, the first mass-marketed war to come up against the worldwide web is being undone by hundreds of millions of people bypassing its contradictions and coercions to share solidarity and insights on the net.

"From North, South, East and West people of all persuasions are coming together in a rapidly coalescing consciousness. Each new participant brings another vital piece of personal perspective that is already forming a new world view that is inclusive, respectful, compassionate and celebratory of its differences and diversity.

"We can turn this around.

"We've all been traumatized. We’re all mad as New Yorkers. And we’re smarter and more generous than our fear and anger.

"People know what’s going on. Even those who don’t have access to alternative information sense that there is much more to motives and events than they are being told. By the grace of a wired world and the spirit within us all, we are joining together to pull the plug on cynical profiteers whose only “god” is the payouts they receive in gold, oil and drugs.

"Here are some things we can do:

"Remember the children.

"Unplug all brainwashing broadcast machines within eye and earshot.

"If someone tries to sell you a box of bombs and flags. Just say, "Forget it. I'm not buying until I read the label."

"Buy only necessities.

"Do not sign up, do not subscribe, do not join the party line. It leads to a gulag. Then over a cliff.

"Do not look down.

"Try spreading your wings instead.

"Move always toward the light.

"Call home immediately. Remember that prayer is more powerful than any weapon or ill intention every devised.

"Listen to each other’s stories. There is more wisdom in personal experience than any agenda-serving “analysis”.

"Hug someone you care about right now

"Whenever you feel love and gratitude, express it out loud. Do this often. The whole universe hears you. Every creature who benefits will bless you for your gift.

"Resist much. Obey little. Think for yourself.

"When they come with retina scans, wear contacts inscribed with your favorite slogan.




"We must depart the script prepared for us. Reality is consensual. We can all change our minds. If we stand together in the face of tyranny, if we laugh at fear and choose to walk away from this scam - it all falls down.

"Then we can build a saner, more compassionate, more joyful world together." ---William Thomas

"All statements excerpted from Chapters 10 through 12 above are fully described and documented in:"

"ALL FALL DOWN: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion, by William Thomas"

"268 pgs., $35 including shipping and free electronic updates, please include an email address"

"Will Thomas, Heron Rocks, 1-9 Hornby Is., BC Canada V0R1Z0"


"More from All Fall Down:"



"Order your copy of All Fall Down"

Continued below:


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Part One of: "A Two-Part Series by William Thomas"

"June 29, 2002"

[Fifth Essence Publications-Canada Edition Copyright (c) 2002 in Canada, the U.S.A. and Internationally by William Thomas. All rights are reserved.]

"PART 1"


"In the weeks leading up to the aerial attacks of Sept. 11, international flight crews used to heightened precautions abroad expressed dismay over relaxed security at all major US airports. As one veteran flight attendant told this reporter: "Airport metal detectors have three sensitivity settings: green, yellow and red. When anything sets it off, you know an alert has been issued, and that it's set to red. But on the morning of Sept. 11, airport metal detectors on the East coast were set on green."


"For the next eight months, chanting “We Didn’t Know” like a mantra, White House officials categorically denied receiving any advance warnings of attackers whose effortless evasion of airport and air force defenses left obvious questions unasked by flag-waving media celebrities.

"None dared call it complicity."


"The Federal Aviation Administration says it alerted NORAD to the first hijackings at 8:38, less than 10 minutes before the first tower was hit. The general in charge of North American Air Defense neglected to explain why 18 minutes later a pair of F-15s were scrambled from Otis Air Force Base on Cape Cod - 179 miles from the fray - when other armed “ready alert” aircraft were much closer. [Miami Herald Sept. 14, 2001]

"Ordered to keep their speed down to an airliner’s crawl, Otis’ Mach 2 fighters were 70 miles from New York City when the South Tower was struck at 9:03 a.m. Two F-16s from Langley, Virginia arrived overhead 20 minutes after the Pentagon was hit. [Cape Cod Times Sept. 16, 2001]

"Myers never mentioned that just 10 miles away, someone held two armed “ready- alert” fighters on the ground at Andrews Air Force Base until early evening. [Andrews AFB website]

"I would like to interview those two pilots:

"Who overrode their repeated appeals to launch?

"How did they feel as they listened to airline pilots reporting the attacks they were trained and pledged to prevent?

"Who ordered their ready-to-fly, round-the-clock, “anti-terrorist” 121st and 321st fighter squadrons erased from the Andrews website on Sept. 12?

"And who shot down Flight 93, which came down in two widely separated sections after a heat-seeking missile fired by a pursuing fighter flying under “weapons free” orders blew off a wing over Pennsylvania? [“Shoot down over Pennsylvania” New York Times Sept. 15, 2001]"


"Everywhere in this strange and sickening story, contradictions feed conundrums. How did the Federal Emergency Management Agency know what was coming? Before being cured of his “memory lapse” by emergency spin doctors, FEMA Urban Rescue team leader Tom Kennedy told a nationwide CBS audience on Sept. 12: “We’re currently one of the first teams that was deployed to support the City of New York in this disaster. We arrived on late Monday night and went right into action on Tuesday morning.”

"CBS anchor Dan Rather never asked what FEMA was doing deploying the night before the WTC attacks. Or how a President could claim that $30 billion worth of silicon and security specialists never considered that the previously bombed World Trade Center might still be a prime terrorist target - when the WTC is depicted in a terrorist’s crosshairs on the cover of FEMA's ant-terrorist manual.

"But in mid-May, Rather and other highly paid readers and transcribers of official press releases were prodded into actually committing journalism when a three-month old Congressional inquiry learned of a flurry of high-level Washington warnings long-discussed in the British and European press."


"Attempting damage control, Presidential Press Secretary Ari Fleischer contradicted earlier denials, saying that the White House had received repeated “heads up!” calls from foreign leaders and security agencies of impending aerial attacks by al Qaeda hijackers.

"Fleischer first insisted the warnings dealt solely with US interests outside the United States. Reversing himself without hesitancy or shame, the presidential spokesman then admitted that the administration had been warned of “domestic US targets” as early as the previous May.

"Fleischer assured Americans that the White House immediately “notified the appropriate agencies” of the terrorist hijacking threat they had previously insisted they knew nothing about.

"If so, it is compellingly curious that airport check-in and security personnel were never sent from “green” complacency to “red” alert.

"US intelligence experts now say that if airline ticket agents and low-paid gate security personnel had been ordered to pay close attention to the “Terrorist Profile” card at their elbows, young Middle Eastern men paying for tickets with cash would have been stopped for questioning before being allowed to board transcontinental flights. It is unlikely that men bent on bloody business would have been seated in Business Class after being asked to produce luggage “salted” with flight manuals, hijack exhortations and suicide notes, and left as convenient clues in the trunks of their rental cars.

"Airline insiders insist that razor-sharp Exacto knives would have also triggered metal detectors set to the highest sensitivity. But on May 16, a spokesman for security at Boston Logan Airport where the WTC kamikazes originated, told the Boston Globe: “The Federal government never handed down any intelligence regarding hijackings.”

"Not to Logan airport security, anyway.

"When San Francisco mayor Willie Brown called on Sept.10 to check the status of a flight he was planning to take into New York the following day, a return call from a person Brown described to the San Francisco Chronicle as an “airport security man”, told him to be “extra cautious about air travel” into Gotham on Sept. 11.

"By then, a Sept. 7 “worldwide warning” from the State Department had alerted other US government agencies that Americans “may be the target of a terrorist threat [from] extremist groups with links to Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda organization.”

"According to German BND Intelligence, an Echelon ear in England had overheard conversations regarding the coming attacks. Listening in on phone calls, faxes and emails, Echelon also automatically monitors international financial transactions and airline travel for signs of unusual activity."


"Sudden spikes in Wall Street trading are closely checked by PROMIS software. On Sept.10, as a Brooklyn high school student of Middle Eastern descent warned classmates not to venture into Manhattan, automatic stock-trading alarms would have been triggered when 4,516 “put” options were suddenly purchased against American Airlines.

"Essentially leveraged bets that American’s stocks were about to “crash”, the day’s trading volume was 600% higher than the usual level of trading in AA shares. A similar sudden spike in UAL “put” purchases represented a 1,200% jump in the usual number of daily stock “bets” placed against United the day before that airline also lost two planes.

"The WTC’s biggest tenant, Morgan Stanley saw a daily average of 27 “put” contracts. On Sept. 8, 9 and 10, someone with inside knowledge of the Twin Towers takedown bought 2,157 of Morgan Stanley options. Merrill Lynch, another big brokerage house occupying 22 floors of the WTC, saw 12,215 put options purchased in the four trading days leading up to the attacks. The average trading volume in Merrill Lynch shares is 252 contracts per day. [The Independent Oct. 14, 2001]"


"It turns out that the investment bank used to place “put options” on United Airlines stock was managed until 1998 by “Buzzy” Krongard. Currently executive director of the CIA, Krongard helmed the Alex Brown bank when it was acquired by Banker’s Trust in 1997. Accused of laundering drug-money, Banker’s Trust was then absorbed into Deutsche Bank. Europe’s biggest blockbuster bank next made the news by being named the hub of insider trades involving the insurance company Munich Re. European regulators are now examining unusually heavy trades in Munich Re, Swiss Re, Cigna and Axa of France. Each of these underwriters was exposed to heavy losses from the destruction of the Trade Center. Like Alex Brown, Axa and Cigna insurers have close links to the international drug trade and its handmaiden, the CIA. [All Fall Down]

"Osama bin Laden’s family banks at Deutsche Bank. On Sept. 15, as German investigators probed Deutsche Bank’s short-selling of sensitive Sept. 11 stocks, Alex Brown head Mayo Shattuck abruptly resigned.

"So did Lt-Gen. Mahmud Ahmad. Instead of being tried by an American military tribunal, the ISI director-general quietly left his post as head of Pakistan intelligence at the insistence of US authorities, after FBI agents recorded Mahmud’s cell phone calls ordering a sheikh to wire $100,000 to Sept. 11 ringleader Mohamed Atta. [The Times Of India Oct. 12, 2001]

"Since, like Osama bin Laden himself, the ISI is a creation of the CIA, did the feds at Foggy Bottom know what its director was manifesting for Manhattan? Fleischer fulminated that the President was "provided information about bin Laden wanting to engage in hijacking in the traditional pre-9/11 sense - not for the use of suicide bombing, not for the use of an airplane as a missile.""


"Apparently, repeated threats of conventional hijackings by Islamic fanatics keen on killing Americans was deemed unworthy of public warning by junta the New York Times accused of "Seizing Dictatorial Power". [Nov. 15, 2001] But an unfazed Fleischer fantasized that Bush administrators would have hit alarm buttons if they’d dared dream that al Qaeda hijackers might turn commercial airliners into flying bombs.

"Had Ari Fleischer forgotten President Putin’s warnings to Washington “in the strongest possible terms” of imminent attacks on prominent symbols of American business and military might? Repeated throughout the month of August, Moscow’s urgent messages specified that 25 terrorist pilots had been specifically trained for suicide missions. [Interview with President Putin MS-NBC Sept. 15, 2001]

"In this, Putin proved precise. Boxcutters found on two airliners diverted to Canada subsequently raised the number of targeted suicide planes to six, and the estimated number of hijackers to 25.

"A leading German daily newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that at least three months before Sept. 11, US intelligence agencies learned that “Middle Eastern terrorists were planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture.” [Sept. 14, 2001]

"This could not have been news to American alphabet agencies. In the months leading up to Sept. 11, the CIA was actively tracking as many as six bin Laden cells, whose members were making homes and learning news skills in the USA.

"According to ex-CIA chief Stansfield Turner, every phone line, cell phone call and email was intercepted.

"Vanity Fair’s Henry Porter reveals that “hundreds” of Sept. 11 ringleader Mohamed Atta’s cell phone calls were intercepted and traced by the CIA. [Dec. 2001]

"Documents obtained by the Baltimore Sun boasted that National Security Agency officials “sometimes played tapes of bin Laden talking to his mother to impress members of Congress.” [April 24, 2001]"


"FBI agent Robert Wright wonders why no one intervened. On May 11, his lawsuit made the Washington Post after the agent alleged that senior intelligence officials had blocked investigations that could have led to the apprehension of the terrorists before Sept. 11.

"Wright confirmed that Minneapolis FBI agents were yanked off the case after arresting a suspicious Middle Eastern flight student named Moussaoui - and finding Boeing fight manuals and several passports in the trunk of his car.

"When the French Directorate of Territorial Security (DST) flagged the feds that Moussaoui was a known al Qaeda terrorist, FBI counterterror specialists were ordered not to probe Moussaoui’s activities and associations.

"Angry agents beseeched David Schippers to intercede on their behalf. The prominent Clinton-impeachment attorney asked Attorney General Ashcroft to allow intensified investigation of a known al Qaeda operative, who wanted to learn how to turn and bank heavy aircraft - without landing or taking off.

"After schlepping with Schippers, Ashcroft immediately ordered a halt to all investigations into the man now regarded as a prime accomplice in the Sept. 11 hijackings.

"Why were Wright’s worries ignored by the same superiors who refused permission to mess with Moussaoui? As Newsweek noted on May 16: “When agents learned, from French intelligence, that he had radical Islamic ties, they sought a national-security warrant to search his computer - and got turned down. From his e-mail traffic they found he wanted to learn to fly a 747.”

"Just days before the Sept. 11 attack, as a crack counterterror team frantically mused over Moussaoui’s motives, the FBI agents were “in a frenzy,” recalls a senior official, “absolutely convinced he was planning to do something with a plane.”

"In his memo to superiors, Wright wrote that “one possibility” was that Moussaoui might be planning to hijack an airliner and crash it into the World Trade Center.

"The FBI failed to broadcast Wright's prophecy. They also neglected to correlate this experienced agent's threat-assessment with agent Kenneth Williams' "Phoenix memo", which warmed of similarly suspicious Middle Eastern flight students two months before the airborne attacks on the World Trade Center.

"On May 30th, Wright appeared at a televised press conference to say that “as a direct result of the incompetence, and at times intentional obstruction of justice by FBI management to prevent me from bringing terrorists to justice, Americans have unknowingly been exposed to potential terrorist attacks for years.” [C-SPAN]

"A whistle-blowing Wright further claims that his FBI employers prevented him from interdicting the financiers of Osama bin Laden’s terror network, after Washington ordered agents to avoid offending the bin Laden and Royal Saudi families.

"Long-suspected as heavy donors to “charities” that help terrorists kill Americans, the King of the Saudi Kingdom, who holds to the same strict, anti-modern brand of fundamentalist Wahhabism embraced by Osama bin Laden - and the ultra wealthy bin Laden family who spawned him - are “must not offend” gateways to strategic US interests in the oil-rich Middle East.

"Their privileged status is impressive."

"Continue to Part 2:"


"By William Thomas"

[Fifth Essence Publications-Canada Edition Copyright (c) 2002 in Canada, the U.S.A. and Internationally by William Thomas. All rights are reserved.]

"PART 2" OF 2


"On Sept. 12, with all commercial aircraft ordered grounded across the USA, a lone chartered jet was allowed to depart lamenting Logan and whisk 11 members of the bin Laden clan to a Saudi safe haven. [Greg Palast, BBC Newsnight]

"It’s a safe bet that Abdullah bin Laden was onboard. Uncovered by relentless researcher and author Dr. Len Horowitz, FBI file “Secret Case ID - 199-Eye WF 213 589” details an abortive national security investigation into Abdullah’s activities as president and treasurer of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth.

"WAMY occupies a small room at 5613 Leesburg Pike - just a few blocks away from 5913 Leesburg Pike, where four of the hijackers lived who later commandeered airliners to strike the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. In the weeks immediately following Sept. 11, Pakistan expelled WAMY fundraisers, India charged that WAMY was funding an organization linked to bombings in Kashmir, and the Philippines military accused WAMY of funding Muslim insurgency.

"The Bush administration refused to freeze WAMY asses or assets, claiming the Muslim youth group is a “charity”. []"


"Other charitable donations from that purloined presidential palace include a nearly $100 billion bonus handed to major American corporations by a son of a Bush, who boasted on at least eight occasions that he had “hit the trifecta” jackpot on unlimited spending. [T r u t h O u May 16, 2002]

"The winner of the year 2000 presidential election called Bush’s gloating over nearly 3,000 dead Americans, “disgusting”. But it took a courageous congresswoman named Cynthia McKinney to ask how much of this presidential windfall went to the bin Ladens and Bush’s father.

"United in war and biowar profiteering through their respective stakes in the world’s biggest war contractor, the Carlyle Group, the Bushes and the bin Ladens counted their take from stockpiling America’s only authorized anthrax vaccine. [Wall Street Journal Sept. 27, 2001]

"Meanwhile federal agents sniffing around the Bush-bin Laden connection were told to “back off” from investigating the CIA and US corporate origins of anthrax spores mailed to outspoken Democratic congressmen - and to ignore anything suspicious that was Saudi.

"The Bush-bin Laden connection is extensive. Take Khaled bin Mahfouz, for example. This prominent Middle East banker is currently under house arrest in a hospital in Taef at the behest of American authorities, who are looking into the $3 million he is alleged to have contributed to Saudi Arabian “charities” linked to Osama Bin Laden.

"Mahfouz was earlier charged in the BCCI banking scandal involving much of the world’s trillion-dollar-a-year narcotics trade, equally lucrative arms sales, international prostitution - and using Mideast oil money to bribe the leaders of the world’s most powerful nations.

"Mahfouz is a banker for Bush. Mahfouz’s sister is one of the wives of Osama bin Laden. [All Fall Down]

"With smoking cannons like this lying around in the Bush-bin Laden bedroom, it’s no wonder conscientious FBI agendas attempting to protect Americans were told to drop their investigations. Wright’s 500 page catalogue of senior FBI “betrayals” was underscored by John O’Neil, who quit his post as head of FBI Counterterror operations just two months before Black Tuesday.

"As O’Neil told the French authors of Bin Laden, The Forbidden Truth, his anti-terror team was forbidden from investigating the suicide bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen for fear of upsetting the Saudis - and jeopardizing a multi-billion dollar pipeline project slated to deliver a $4 trillion treasure-trove of Central Asian oil and natural gas across Afghanistan.

"Shortly before his death as newly hired head of security at the World Trade Center, O’Neill charged that “The main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were US oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it.”"


"Back in Virginia, the CIA kept as busy as the FBI in not rounding up terrorists. It turns out that the “Company” first learned of the mysterious Moussaoui in April, 2001. [AP June 3, 2002]

"According to Newsweek, the CIA also became aware of known terrorists Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar - and allowed them to live openly in the United States, using their real names to obtain driver’s licenses, open bank accounts and enter flight schools for 21 months, ending with their participation in the Sept. 11 attacks. [Reuters May 16, 2002]

"“Was the CIA running a terrorist flight school?” asked Daniel Hopsicker in the Washington Post. Shortly after its purchase by a Flying Dutchman named Rudi Dekkers, would-be hijackers Atta and al-Shehhi enrolled at the Huffman flight school in Venice, Florida. In addition to its known Saudi and Mob connections, the busy Venice airfield had been used by the CIA to run guns used by Contra cowards to murder Nicaraguan teachers and aid workers.

"“I’ve always had some suspicions about the way he breezed into town out of nowhere,” said one Venice Airport insider of the remarkable Rudi. “He has absolutely no aviation background as far as anyone can tell.”

"Huffman flight instructor Mark Mikarts checked out Atta and al-Shehhi in the school’s white, single-engine Cessna 172 - and found them incapable of finding the ground with both hands. Both wannabe pilots washed out - as did almost all of the other trainees later alleged to have skillfully piloted heavy, complex, unfamiliar jets into targets approaching at 500 feet per second.

"It turns out that “Mark Mikarts” is really the Mark Wierdak who flew a “Christian missionary group” in and out of South America every week for more than 20 years. That’s a lot of travel time in the service of the Lord. More devious minds might dwell on other “Christians In Action” requiring private transport - and wonder if Mikarts/Wierdak was working for the CIA. [Washington Post Nov. 7 and 25, 2001]

"Dekkers’ direct links to the CIA surfaced after Britannia Aviation began working out of a Huffman hangar. A company with virtually no assets, employees, or corporate history, Britannia had come in under everyone’s radar to land a five-year contract over a much more respected and experienced aviation firm. Never mind that while providing maintenance for Caribe Air, Britannia possessed none of the necessary FAA licenses for airframe and powerplant repair. “Caribe Air” is a CIA air carrier. [All Fall Down]

"A documentary filmmaker who chronicled the exploits of “Cocaine Clinton”, Hopsicker relates how one Caribe aircraft was seized by federal agents at the Mena, Arkansas airstrip “after the company was accused by government prosecutors of having used as many as 20 planes to ship drugs worth billions of dollars into this country” under the watchful gaze (and outstretched palm) of then-governor Bill Clinton.

"The CIA’s role in facilitating the international narco trade - first out of Southeast Asia’s “Golden Triangle”, and more recently from its “Golden Crescent” successor in Afghanistan and Pakistan - is another prime motive behind this latest war against another former Washington ally.

"Referring to the Taliban’s brutal torture, dismemberment and execution of women for wearing bracelets and laughing in public, an American diplomat told veteran British correspondent John Pilger, “We can live with that.” [Z magazine Dec. 27, 2001] But when the Taliban continued to accept substantial White House funding - then refused access to America’s two biggest addictions - something had to be done to secure access to trillions of dollars worth of heroin and oil.

"Was Sept. 11 a set-up? Was bungled Florida flight instruction at a known CIA airfield staged as a diversion? Was Rudi Dekkers doing something naughty for the alphabet agencies? A Drug Enforcement Agency source says that Britannia still has a “green light” at the Venice Airport.

"“A green light for what?” Hopsicker wonders."


"Repeatedly and heatedly accused of stonewalling Congressional inquiries into 9.11, the CIA has much to answer for. Remember Almihdhar? After his US visa expired in July 2001, the CIA made no move to alert the State Department, which unwittingly renewed this terrorist’s visa in July 2001 - “even though,” Reuters remarked, “the CIA had linked him to one of the suspected bombers of the USS Cole in Yemen in October 2000.”

"According to now furious FBI agents, “frequent meetings” between Alhazmi and Almihdhar and at least five other hijackers would have led federal agents to apprehend all of the Sept. 11 plotters - before Sept. 11. But the FBI was not alerted to hunt the two terrorists until August 22, when CIA Director George Tenet finally authorized an “all-points bulletin” to apprehend Alhazmi and Almihdhar. [“CIA Knew Two Sept. 11 Hijackers Were in U.S.” - Reuters June 2, 2002]

"Curiously, if not suggestively, that bulletin never reached airline ticket agents. On the morning of Sept. 11, after showing their ID’s to American Airline staff, Alhazmi and Almihdhar were allowed to board Flight 77.

Less than an hour later, with both Twin Towers in flames, this drastically off-course airliner flew past the White House and several nuclear power plants to circle inside the Pentagon’s “no-fly” zone, as armed interceptors poised to scramble were prevented from taking off just minutes away. At 9:41 am, a stunned airline captain watched a Boeing 757 fly below his hotel room before slamming into the west wing of the Pentagon. [CBC Radio interview Sept. 17, 2001]"


"Fleischer has warned journalists that any question which accuses the President of not acting properly to prevent terrorism “crosses the line”. But what other conclusion is possible when Fleischer admits that the Bush administration knew in May of an impending "spectacular" attack aimed at the USA - and failed to act?

"But the President was not told of impending hijackings by al Qaeda until an Aug. 6 memorandum reached him at his Crawford, Texas Ranch [Washington Times, Reuters May 22, 2002] Senator Diane Feinstein and other prominent senators had been briefed a month before.

"Marveling at a memo he refuses to divulge to Congress, a President with an IQ of 91 and little grasp of geography or perceptions in the other three-quarters of the world, took comfort from a dangerously simplistic “If you aren’t with us, you’re a terrorist” worldview. (The July 19, 2001 Guardian reported that “Dubya's closest rival for the wooden spoon is his father at 98.”]

"G.W.’s vice-president also chose to take an August vacation. At the end of July, Attorney General John Ashcroft simply stopped flying on commercial airliners after a “threat assessment” not shared with the rest of the flying public prompted him to choose taxpayer-chartered jets for his fishing trips. [ May 19, 2002]

"As this story goes to press, a congressional probe into the lessons of 9.11 remains stalled by uncooperative CIA officials. Documents are being withheld, witnesses are being intimidated, and outside investigators are being kept outside. [Los Angeles Times May 6, 2002]

"For nearly 300 days after the horrific events of Sept. 11, 2001, various military and intelligence agencies and officials paid, sworn and equipped to prevent those attacks have hid behind their own professed “incompetence”. It is time journalists start asking if such stupidity was faked to avoid accusations of active complicity in Black Tuesday.

"God help America if its brightest and best-equipped defenders could not predict and prevent attacks they and many allies knew were coming. If Gen. Myers and the heads of the FBI and CIA are as inept as they claim, what are they doing still commanding the mightiest military and intelligence forces on this planet?

"A sane solution might be to fire them all. Quickly. Before pursuing possible indictments for treason.

"On the other hand, since no official responsible for leaving America vulnerable to airborne terror on Sept. 11 has yet received even the mildest rebuke, the President they answer to must be well-satisfied with their performance leading up to that fateful day.

"Just what services did they perform?

"Extensive evidence already appearing in the mainstream media shows that:

"Senior US intelligence officials actively intervened to block key investigations into known al Qaeda terrorists that would have led to many of the Sept. 11 plotters in time to prevent their attacks.

"On that dastardly day, someone in the military chain-of-command prevented armed "ready alert" interceptors from interdicting aerial attacks they would have otherwise disrupted.

"Did a desperate desire to avoid offending terrorist-supporting Arab bigshots vital to Washington’s interests unwittingly give a green light to the al Qaeda suicide attacks?

"Or did American intelligence officials “in the know” tip big banks with their insider knowledge, while facilitating fanatical strikes that would allow an illegal regime to consolidate control - and pursue a profitable pipeline and poppy war already agreed by the governments of India, Russia, the US and Pakistan the previous June? [All Fall Down]

"Behind the smokescreen of going after a dying terrorist financier tied to a dialysis machine, there is much more at stake than appeasing the false god of Guns, Oil and Drugs. Battening on a perpetual war footing maintained since the end of a World War fought against a Nazi madman financed by Prescott Bush, a self-serving Military-Corporate-Entertainment complex urgently needed his grandson to replace an outmoded communist menace with an Islamic bogeyman. ["Chase Banked on Nazis" NY Daily News Dec. 7, 1998]

"National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice put it plainly when she told a Houston audience in March 2000: “We need a common enemy to unite us. We need a new threat.” [All Fall Down]

"Unfortunately for Americans stripped of their constitutional rights - and at least 60 other nations caught in Bush’s bomb-sights - the biggest terrorist threat may be operating not from a cave in Afghanistan, but behind government desks in Washington. For a President-Select who admits using trumped up “terrorist” threats to deflect critical questions, the made-for-TV spectacle of Sept. 11 was a distraction from the biggest crime of all.

"Completed in late August, a $2 million scrutiny of 170,000 uncounted Florida votes by the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times and CNN was shelved in an embarrassed show of solidarity with the only sitting American President to actually lose his election. [“Bush lost election to Gore” The Telegraph Oct, 22, 2001]

"But in April, the Florida Supreme Court quietly ruled that the election had been rigged, after state governor Jeb Bush blocked legitimate black votes that would have given Gore an overwhelming victory over his brother. [“Quietly Florida Admits 2000 Election Fraud” AP April 26, 2002]

"An illegal take-over of a democratically-elected government by a band of plotters is called a coup. Documents obtained by Dr. Richard Boyland show how Washington’s long-established secret “shadow” government is “a large, organizational network that operates alongside the officially elected and appointed government of the United States.” [“The Secret Shadow Government” by Richard Boyland, Ph.D.]

"Dating back to Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, Dealey Plaza, Wounded Knee, Iran-Contra, Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, Waco and the fabricated “incubator babies” of Kuwait, shadow government operations work at cross-purposes to legal agencies, using them as a convenient cover for arms-and-drug running, provocations as a pretext for military attack and invasion, and other “counter-ops” that thrive on the confusion and contradictions they create.

"Spotlighted “shadow warriors” include Oliver North, Richard Secord, Barry Seale and former CIA chief George Bush Sr. By Boyland’s documented reckoning, at least 21 US intelligence agencies are now running back door “black” projects unaccountable to Congress or the American people. [All Fall Down]

"Currently circulating “shadow” agencies include the Soviet-sounding Supreme National Security Council, answerable only to its founder, “Chairman” George Bush Jr. Other “back-door” projects are run by the National Security Council, the 5412 Committee and the PI-40 subcommittee.

"Even the Joint Chiefs of Staff in charge of US defenses has a shadow side called “Special Operations”. In 1962, JCS generals plotted to murder Americans and blame Cuba for their own terrorist acts. One “Project Northwoods” memo explained how, after blowing up a US ship or airliner, “Casualty lists in the US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation” - and support for an invasion of Cuba. [Baltimore Sun April 24, 2001]

"Mad over Marxists, all five Joint Chiefs opted for a walk in the Northwoods. But documents obtained by former ABC investigative reporter James Bamford detail how their plan was rejected by President Kennedy - shortly before JFK was shot by multiple assailants in Texas. [James Bamford, Body of Secrets]

"Fast-forward to Sept. 11, 2001: The heirs of Northwoods are now in charge of air defense over New York City and their nation’s capitol. Their main man to make things happen is acting NORAD head, Air Force Gen. Richard Myers. Unlike his court-martialed counterparts charged with defending Oahu in 1941, the officer responsible for America’s “second Pearl Harbor” escaped censure or even reprimand after admitting that - oops! - he failed to launch interceptors until after the Pentagon and World Trade Center were burning. [“Gen. Richard Myers at Senate hearing” NBC Sept. 16, 2001]"


"Any coup must have the support of the military. But it is no longer certain that the massively augmented Armed Forces are onboard with their Commander’s agenda. A letter published in the May 26 edition of the Monterey, California Herald might have spoken for many military members when Air Force Lt. Col. Steve Butler called President Bush “sleazy and contemptible” for staying silent over specific Sept. 11 warnings.

"“He did nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism. His daddy had Saddam and he needed Osama. His presidency was going nowhere,” Butler wrote. “This guy is a joke.” [AP June 4, 2002]

"Butler was instantly suspended for uttering “contemptuous words” about his Commander-In-Thief, as President Bush is sometimes referred to on the Hill.

"As for Gen. Myers, as a result if not reward for his performance, it took only three weeks for this either dangerously incompetent or traitorously complicit commander of US air defenses to be confirmed as head honcho of the US military - “el jefe” of the Joint Chiefs of Staff."

"More from All Fall Down:"

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Part One of a Two Part Series "by William Thomas"

[Fifth Essence Publications-Canada Edition Copyright (c) 2002 in Canada, the U.S.A. and Internationally by William Thomas. All rights are reserved.]

"Part 1"

"GAUNT with hunger, wracked by coughing and diarrhea, they stared vacantly past their teachers with the fixed, "thousand-yard stares' of veteran combat survivors. Girl or boy, the pictures they drew invariably showed the same scene: a line of child-scale airplanes filling the top of the page, dropping bombs on the houses below.

""The children strive to understand what they saw," reporter Evelyn Leopold told readers of the Manchester Guardian in 1992. "Planes bombing, houses collapsing, blood, mutilated and crushed bodies. The children fight to forget what they heard: people screaming, desperate voices, planes, explosions, crying people. They are haunted by the smell of gunfire, fires and burned flesh."

"Three days after a Desert Storm "cease-fire" reopened Baghdad to outsiders, Canadian physician Dr. Eric Hoskins led a Harvard Medical Study Team into Iraq. Horrified health workers found survivors "like the living dead." Almost six-million children experienced bombing at close range; one in every four children lost their homes in what Hoskins later told me was the "most intensive suburban bombing" in history.

"Psychologists accompanied the Harvard team. Though all were veterans with decades of war experience in Uganda, Sudan and Mozambique, the war-trauma specialists were appalled to find the children of Iraq to be "the most traumatized children of war ever described".

"During 9,000 random household surveys in 30 of Iraq's largest cities and rural areas, the hardened war medics likened the physically and emotionally traumatized survivors of round-the-clock bombing and missile strikes to the survivors of Hiroshima. Entire neighborhoods had been bombed flat. Out in the countryside, crops, barns and grain silos had been strafed. Farm equipment was twisted into scrap by the same radioactive aircraft-fired cannon shells used to destroy tanks.

"Most people in Iraq are under the age of 15. At least 650,000 Iraqi children have died so far from U.S. and U.K. bombs, cancers caused by depleted uranium shell fragments, and epidemics following the Pentagon's repeat bombing raids on that entire country's water, power, sewage and irrigation facilities. Washington admits that a nuclear reactor supplying power to Baghdad was bombed on the city's northeastern outskirts, releasing "elevated levels" of radiation over a country bombed "down to the last outhouse", as one U.S. official told the Wall Street Journal.

"Today, families can buy plenty of food in Baghdad - if they have plenty of dinars. Most do not. After a 12-year embargo, wages remain excruciatingly low.

"Before the carriers turn into the wind to launch Bush's renewed air-strikes against nearly defenseless biblical cities, veteran British war correspondent John Pilger reminds us that "almost every day RAF and American aircraft already bomb Iraq." In northern Iraq, Pilger spoke with a woman whose husband had been tending his sheep with his elderly father and his children when two planes attacked them in an open valley. There were no military targets nearby. "I want to see the pilot who did this," said the widow at the graveside of her entire family."


"Now the son of a Bush responsible for so much pain and misery wants to finish a process the City Council of Detroit calls, "genocide".

"The rah-rah ranting is aimed at eliminating one man missed the first time around. But the U.S. corporate media never mentions the agony - or karma - attending one-million corpses collected during the first failure to "get Saddam". Nor is any concern expressed for another 22 million human beings currently caught in the Pentagon’s crosshairs.

"As the mass mesmerizers fill American airwaves with cries for renewed attacks on Saddam, Pilger points to the power of such propaganda by suggesting that the Big Bad Bogeyman picture of Baghdad's glowering generalissimo be replaced with a photograph of stricken Iraqi infants - along with the reality-TV headline: "Should we go to war against these children?""


"In France, President Bush II is considered a cowboy. But no range-riding romance is inferred by this contemporary Gallic image of an ignorant redneck gunslinger standing in the blood of his unarmed victims.

"In Germany, mass demonstrations protested the visit of America’s leading fascist, who publicly proclaimed his wish to be dictator after his brother rigged an election the Florida Supreme Court has since ruled "fraudulent". On Aug. 6, the German Chancellor denounced further "American adventures" in Iraq.

"Even the Canadian government, whose troops have fought and died alongside U.S. soldiers since the bloody insanity of the First World War, is telling Bush to back off.

"Over in the U.K., despite Tony Blair's cheerleading, polls show that most British citizens oppose further mass murder in the cradle of Western civilization. More than 122 Members of Parliament have passed repeated resolutions rejecting military action. As MP Ian Gibson suggests, "The cause of terrorism is not fanatics, extremists, fundamentalists but instability, disempowerment, marginalization and the anger generated by these combined factors. If the United States invades Iraq, it will nourish these sentiments in the Middle East.""


"He's not kidding. Civilian casualties caused by U.S. and Israeli attacks on suspected terrorist enclaves are fanning Arab anger and resentment already stirred by Washington's multi-billion dollar annual subsidy of Israeli arms, and nightly satellite TV images of bloody civilian casualties in Gaza.

"These new "wars" against mostly-unarmed Arab populaces are coinciding with “news wars” in the Arab world. Revolutionary new satellite news channels in Syria, Lebanon, Oman and Bahrain are broadcasting over the heads of state censors, who can no longer shape events with the zeal exhibited by Saudi religious police cutting offending photos and phrases out of every copy of TIME magazine allowed into the Kingdom.

"While the televised quiz show, "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" is the current rage throughout impoverished Egypt, other TV images carried live from Gaza and Kabul are fueling a different rage. Unlike viewers of CNN, who saw only clips of Bush saying, "I do believe Ariel Sharon is a man of peace", millions of al-Jazeera viewers heard the same quote played under shots of wounded Palestinian children and Israeli tanks firing into Palestinian homes.

"Reflecting demographics across the Middle East, 60% of Egypt's population is under the age of 25. At '60s style "Teach-Ins" currently taking place on the campus of Cairo’s American University, American TV commentator Bill Moyers found students in the shadows of the Pyramids angry over Sharon's provocations. They also see regimes as repressive as the Saudi and Mubarak governments propped up by the United States.

"Watching the fissure widen between a small rich Arab elite and masses of illiterate unemployed, Cairo university protesters sound like Berkeley radicals when they complain that their government is "antagonistic to our values and beliefs." Some women students have signed up to become suicide bombers. Said one: "The Palestinians are very brave persons. We will always support them."

"Costly consumer boycotts of American products are also spreading throughout the Mideast. In a bid to recover business, Egypt's McDonald's briefly hired the singer of a tune now topping local charts. It's called, "I Hate Israel".

""I hate America" may be the next big hit. Four of the alleged 9.11 kamikazes came from Egypt, where $2 billion in annual bribes from Washington cannot influence popular press sentiment. These payments have continued since Sept. 11, when Egyptian newspapers expressed pleasure at this "first blow against Globalism".

"But according to experts interviewed by Moyers, the events of 9.11 have fractured Islam along fault lines separating modernism from militancy. Learning how Arabia flourished in culture, arts, mathematics and philosophy during its Classical Period, many students are contemptuous of bankrupt and backward regimes, impatient with the corruption caused by spreading Western "materialism".

"In opposing a violent response, many Arab students believe that moderate enforcement of Sharia's strict Islamic laws will result in more rights for more people, real justice and education - especially for women.

"Earlier this month, their nonviolent path to change was blocked when an Egyptian tribunal sentenced prominent democracy advocate, 63-year-old Saad Eddin Ibrahim to seven years hard labor after he was caught teaching Egyptians how to register to vote, how to fill out a ballot and how to monitor elections. Demanding an American response, the New York Times' Thomas Friedman warned on Aug. 4: "If there is no space in Egypt for democratic voices for change, then Egyptians will only be left with the mosque. If there is no room in Egypt for Saad Ibrahims, then we will only get more Mohamed Attas."

"Meanwhile, if Palestinians continue to be persecuted, a peaceful adaptation of Islamic values to the modern world could be hijacked by more extreme sentiments. In late July, households around the Gulf erupted when - less than 24 hours after Yassar Arafat's government and Hamas leader Sheikh Yassin agreed to end all suicide bombings and armed attacks against Israel - the Bush-backed Sharon government sent an American-made F-16 to drop a one-ton "after-supper" bomb on a high-ranking Hamas leader and his family inside a crowded Gaza tenement.

"Hamas predictably responded with a wave of murders in Israel. And anti-American resentment soared. Saudi despots now say they will not support Bush’s attacks on Iraq. Iran also opposes U.S. military action. So does Turkey. Jordan, Egypt and Syria are not onboard. As Russia's Putin put it in so many words, "Don't do it, Dubya.""


""Far be it from the American President to get to decide who leads what country," America's Commander-In-Chief told ITN last April 5. "I made up my mind that Saddam needs to go."

"Where is the proof, the world wonders, that Saddam Hussein had anything to do with Sept. 11? Al Qaeda shares no affinity with Saddam, who has ruthlessly crushed Islamic extremist groups whenever they attempted to set up shop in Iraq.

"U.S. court records of a terrorist financier's phone calls show that Osama bin Laden used a donated satellite phone for several years, until discarding it for fear he was being tracked to number 00873-682-505-331. Phone records available to the Bush administration show that bin Laden and high-ranking al-Qaeda lieutenant, Muhammad Atef used the sat phone to place some 600 calls. After Britain, the country that received the most calls was Yemen, where terrorists bombed the Navy destroyer USS Cole. Other countries receiving repeated al Qaeda calls were Sudan, Iran and Azerbaijan - as well as Bush "allies" Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Over a period of three to five years, Iraq did not receive a single call from Osama bin Laden."


"Despite the hysteria hyped by American war propaganda, people around the globe - including the leaders of powerful nations - are demanding to see evidence of Saddam-s alleged weapons of mass destruction. In 1998 the UN reported that Iraq had complied with 90% of its inspectors' demands. The rest of the missing weapons were reported destroyed in the war, or by Iraqi officials hoping to deter more bombing. One year later, weapons inspector and 12-year Marine Corps veteran Scott Ritter told Business Week, "Iraq has been disarmed. Iraq today possesses no meaningful weapons of mass destruction."

"Marines on a mission do not fool around. Writing for, Boston teacher William Rivers Pitt described how Ritter and his dogged team had spent seven years tracking down:

"(E)very bomb, every missile, every factory designed to produce chemical, biological and nuclear weaponry. They went to Europe and found the manufacturers who sold them the equipment. They got the invoices and shoved them into the faces of Iraqi officials. They tracked the shipping of these materials and cross-referenced this data against the invoices. They lifted the foundations of buildings destroyed in the Gulf War to find wrecked research and development labs, at great risk to their lives, and used the reams of paperwork there to cross-reference what they had already cross-referenced.

"What about chemical weapons? Since Sarin and Tabun have a shelf-life of five years, any undiscovered stocks left over from the "Mother of All Massacres" are by now harmless dust.

"As for longer-lived VX gas, Pitt explains how the fields where VX was manufactured and later buried underwent forensic digging to determine its complete destruction. "All of this, again, was cross-referenced and meticulously researched."

"No inspection teams have been allowed into Iraq since 1998, when Saddam expelled U.S. weapons inspectors after catching those avowedly "neutral observers' gathering CIA intelligence for renewed U.S. attacks on his country. Ritter warns that Iraq could have begun manufacturing mass murder six months after the inspectors' departure, leaving some three-and-a-half years to cook up another batch of bugs.

"But conducting a biological warfare program requires huge fermentation tanks and elaborate technology. As Pitt ponders:

"They would have to start completely from scratch, having been deprived of all equipment, facilities and research because of Ritter's work. They would have to procure the complicated tools and technology required through front companies, which would be detected. The manufacture of chemical and biological weapons emits vented gasses that would have been detected by now if they existed. The manufacture of nuclear weapons emits gamma rays that would have been detected by now if they existed. We have been watching, via satellite and other means, and we have seen none of this.

"Ritter agrees. As the veteran arms inspector declared in Boston on July 23, "If Iraq was producing weapons today, we would have definitive proof, plain and simple."

"What Iraq is producing, is oil. Last March, oil ministry undersecretary Taha Hammud claimed that ongoing exploration had increased Iraq's proven oil reserves to 115 billion barrels. Currently second only to Saudi Arabia's proven reserves of 261 billion barrels, Hammud saw Iraq's oil wealth eventually reaching 300 billion barrels - outstripping America's foremost Middle East oil supplier. But there is no need to purloin Iraq's petroleum. U.S. motorists currently buy and burn some 68% of the oil produced by this 'Axis of Evil'."


"Islamic commentator Tariq Ali writes that angry Arabs see "the United States doing what it wants to do, not caring about who it antagonizes, not caring about the effects on neighboring regions." The author of The Clash of Fundamentalism: Crusades, Jihad, and Modernity calls Bush's warmongering, "essentially a crude war of revenge designed largely to appease the U.S. public."

"U.S. networks that helped stop the carnage in Vietnam by showing corpses on the nightly news, ceased showing casualties from U.S. bombing raids the day after Peter Arnett took a camera crew into the smoking ruins of Baghdad's Amiriyah bomb shelter. But independent news satellites broadcasting live from Afghanistan, Iraq and the West Bank into British, European, Asian and Arabian homes are showing viewers that Bush's "War Against Terror" is itself a terror campaign dwarfing the efforts of all other terrorist organizations combined.

"Not everyone is as ignorant as news-deprived Americans regarding the deeds done by a corporate-military cabal in their name. As Pilger points out, "The U.S. is the only state on record to have been condemned by the World Court for international terrorism" for the illegal mining of Nicaraguan ports. After bombing, rocketing, strafing and burning neighborhoods in nighttime terror attacks that killed more than 2,000 Panamanian people, the U.S. vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling on governments to observe international law.

"In recent weeks, Washington has refused to join the rest of the planet in a World Court to try war criminals for atrocities against civilians. Washington knows its own commanders could soon be trial for executing unarmed civilians in the streets of Panama City, the carpet-bombing of Basra, the ecological devastation of Bosnia from another 27,000 bombing raids, and the massacre of some 800 surrendered prisoners at Mazar-I-Sharif.

"As Pilger points out, "Al-Qaeda's training camps in Afghanistan were kindergartens compared with the world's leading university of terrorism at Fort Benning in Georgia."

"Notoriously known as the "The School of Coups" and "The School of Assassins," the Fort Benning alumni include some of South America's bloodiest tyrants, trained alongside some 60,000 paramilitaries and death squads who used U.S. Army lessons on torture and terrorism to murder tens of thousands of people dragged from their families and homes.

"The British are not impressed with the results of Bush's bombing - as The Observer observed from London - "...after piling up civilian corpses in Afghanistan, where no one responsible for Sept. 11 has yet been apprehended..."

"Hundreds of prisoners were shipped to an American concentration camp in Cuba, where they have been held against all the conventions of war and international law. No evidence of their alleged crimes has been produced, and the FBI confirms only one is a genuine suspect. In the United States, more than 1,000 people of Muslim background have "disappeared"; none has been charged. Under the draconian Patriot Act, the FBI's new powers include the authority to go into libraries and ask who is reading what.

"Despite the pornographic posturing of American firepower, the big successes in the real war against terrorists have come in Germany, England, France and Italy, where dozens of men linked to al-Qaeda have been arrested since Sept. 11. With a prison sentence of 200 years handed to one convicted terrorist, the rule of law is proving far more effective against al-Qaeda than bombing innocent people in their homes."


"For 10 interminable days and nights during Bush’s terror war, cloud-hidden U.S. jets bombed the region of Zhawar. "All the mountains are shaking," said Khali Gul in the small hamlet of Kaskai. "We are very afraid of these planes. We just want this to stop."

"There is nothing "surgical" about a B-52. Mahmat was asleep in his home in Kazikarez when a bomb from an American Stratofortress fell on his village. His son Nourali died, as did Jaber age 10, Janaan eight, Salamo six, Twayir four and Palvasha - the only girl, age two. "The plane flies so high that we cannot hear them," Mahmat told Mirror reporter Robert Fisk.

"Rattling down a dry river bed in a pickup piled with a wheelbarrow, a brass basin, and four baby goats, Noorz Ali joined an exodus of other bombed-out villagers. Shudiaki village "is completely flattened," Noorz noted. "My house was destroyed, and my neighbors were killed. There were so many bombs I lost count. We are very afraid of the bombs, and we are very angry at the Americans. There is no reason for this."

"Najiba Shakar never heard of the World Trade Center before being buried in the rubble of her own home. Her once pretty face criss-crossed with scars, Najiba is in pain and has difficulty standing up or talking. "Her life, all her dreams and ambition, have been destroyed," said Najiba's husband. "No one has ever explained to me why my home, in the middle of a residential area, nowhere near the military, was bombed."

"Shopkeeper Aiman Malai was finishing his morning prayers at 3:45 am when he saw two jets swoop low over Karam, three miles away across a valley. "They came low over it, and then there was a huge explosion and flames reaching high into the air."

"Lal Jand, a 30 year-old Karam farmer, said the planes circled for two more attacks on the village. Jand's wife and two of his sons were killed. An AP reporter described 80% of the village destroyed by U.S. bombs. Villagers digging bodies out of the rubble estimated that 100 people had been killed. As one dazed survivor said, "We didn't feel afraid because everyone said that American bombs were accurate, and that they would bomb the Talibs, but not the innocent people."

"Abdul and Shakila Amiri lost their five-year-old, Nazila, in an American air strike on the morning of Oct. 17. Nazila was playing with her younger brother and sister close to their home when it was hit by a type of bomb glorified on the pages of glossy magazines hawked from newsstands across America.

"Four days later, Washington Post reporter Molly Moore described a night in the hamlet of Thoral when a U.S. missile hit a trailer containing 27 frightened villagers - mostly children - fleeing a bombing raid on a nearby town. Many of the children were ripped apart by the bomb. A half-hour later, after the injured and dead had been taken to a house, two more missiles struck that home. Among at least 21 members of two farming families, all but four were infants or children killed in the attacks.

"Ten months later, shattered families in Uruzgan province have just finished burying a wedding party bombed and strafed by ignorant U.S. fighter and helicopter gunship pilots after joyous shots of celebration were fired into the air. At least 48 celebrants, including the bride, were killed and 100 others wounded in an attack the UN has decried for the American cover-up which followed.

""We have many children who are injured and who have no family," nurse Mohammed Nadir said. "Their families are gone. The villagers brought these children and they have no parents. Everyone says that their parents are dead."

"This is the way to stop terrorism? As the man responsible for ongoing assaults on human lives and dignity explained in Atlanta last June 17: "A country which has been under attack can respond by loving your neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself.""

"Please click here for Part 2"



"By William Thomas"

[Fifth Essence Publications-Canada Edition Copyright (c) 2002 in Canada, the U.S.A. and Internationally by William Thomas. All rights are reserved.]

"Part 2 of 2"


"Afghan women widowed by U.S. attacks have almost no chance of employment, and no state assistance to care for their children. Advisers familiar with Afghanistan’s hardscrabble economics say that survivors of Bush's "shoot-em-up" approach to international diplomacy could be assured a decent remaining life for just $10,000 each. While dead spouses and children cannot be restored, the total tab for rehabilitating people blown out of their homes and daily lives could be covered by the $58 million cost of one day of U.S. bombing.

"So far, pledges to fully fund Afghanistan's new U.S.-trained military have not included aid for Mahmat, Noorz, Najiba, Lal, Abdul, Shakila and many others. Despite its coveted petroleum riches - and a pipeline and poppy corridor Washington wants to control - Afghanistan leads a starving "Two-Thirds" World in the lowest daily caloric intake. Sustaining a life expectancy of just 43 years, Afghanistan's harsh and heavily mined environment currently holds a half-million widows and a half-million maimed orphans in an existence so tenuous, journalist John Pilger finds something obscene about "the most powerful country on earth pounding into dust one of the poorest."

"But with the huge U.S. economy dependent on warmaking, it is imperative that fresh targets be found and marketed as threats to Americans, in order to "clear inventories" of munitions meant to maim and kill. "There's a lot of war talk these days, as there should be," Bush assured students in Rochester, Michigan last July 18. "But it's all aimed at making sure the world is peaceful."

"Dubya did not mention that many of the profits from his peaceful wars go directly into the pockets of the bin Ladens, "Poppy" Bush, and his Carlyle cronies."


"It costs big money to blow somebody out of their living room with enough technology to ensure virtual impunity for the aggressors.

"Each CBU-72 cluster bomb - which ripped apart so many lives in Iraq's former capital, and along the haunted miles I later walked on the Highway to Hell - cost only about $5,000 each to do the same thing in Bosnia and Afghanistan.

"The GBU-28 "bunker-busting" laser-guided bomb proudly pictured in TIME and Newsweek carries a sticker price of $125,000. A single GBU-28 killed more than 400 women, children and elders in Baghdad’s biggest bomb shelter.

"Each air-launched cruise missile costs about $1.6 million; ship-launched versions go for about twice that much. Because of their notoriously poor accuracy, up to two-dozen of these mayhem machines are launched against a single target. At least 63% miss. As a Redstone Arsenal general said, "Defense contractors will get paid as long as the things go off and hit the right country."

"The big bangs listed above are a whimper next to fearsome Fuel-Air bombs, which spread nearly eight tons of volatile vapors overhead before touching them off. The resulting fireball incinerates an area over five football fields, consuming all available oxygen and creating a shockwave that turns the internal organs of all living creatures into jelly. As General Peter Pace, vice-chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, helpfully explained, "The intent is to kill people."

"But which people?

"Not former U.S. ally and drug-dealer, Manuel Noriega.

"Not the former recipient of American chemical-biological weapons, Saddam Hussein.

"Not the Chinese rulers responsible for Tiennenman Square and the rape of Tibet.

"Not an Indonesian dictator and U.S. ally who ordered genocide in East Timor.

"Not the U.S. cocaine-financed Contra death squads who murdered aid workers and teachers in Nicaragua.

"Not CIA-trained and financed Osama bin Laden.

"Did somebody say Osama? There is no way that a dying, electronically-isolated fugitive holed up in a region remote as the moon could have been operationally involved in aerial attacks comprising at least seven aircraft and depending on split-second coordination half a world away. Those closest to Osama say that constant exhaustion and pain from life-threatening kidney failure caused him to hand al-Qaeda leadership to his understudy, al-Zawaheri at least 10 months before Sept. 11.

"In stark contrast, a man the FBI recorded using his cell phone to order $100,000 wired to alleged ringleader Atta for the 911 attacks was allowed to resign his post as the head of Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency. Lt-Gen. Mahmud Ahmad was allowed to seek "immediate retirement" in return for shutting up. The ISI is closely tied to its creators, the CIA.

"Meanwhile, Taliban head Mullah Omar purportedly scooted through U.S. military roadblocks on a motorbike and is safe in Pakistan. Until recently financed by Saudi Arabia and Washington, other women-hating Taliban thugs found similar sanctuary after the Paris newspaper Le Temps described an airlift from Kunduz Airport ferrying Taliban fighters back into Pakistan through airspace controlled by the U.S. military."


"Bush's phony "War on Terror” is revealing itself as a naked grab for what a U.S. Air Force policy paper calls "full spectrum dominance" over a dying planet's remaining resources. What's been won? After bombing a lot of people who never heard of the WTC, John Pilger tallies the results: "Not a single al-Q'aeda leader of importance has been caught."

"To achieve this "great victory", the bombing of Afghanistan cost US taxpayers roughly $2 billion a month. Attacking Iraq would be far costlier to taxpayers.

"But they don't have the money.

"So where is it coming from? In a declared war against nearly half the countries on this planet, the money to pay corporate munitions makers - and profiteering members of the Bush and bin Laden family circles - is being conjured by selling U.S. government IOUs called bonds to big banks, including a for-profit private corporation misleadingly called the Federal Reserve Bank.

"In fact, "the fed" which dictates the ups and downs of the U.S. economy by easing or contracting the nation's money supply has nothing to do with the federal government, and almost no reserves.

"Banks rule because they hold the bonds that allow countries like the U.S. to finance costly undeclared wars by plunging deeper into indebtedness. As IndyMedia reports, the interest alone on the national debt exceeds all personal income tax collected from every U.S. taxpayer. With total U.S. debt currently estimated at $17 trillion, is anyone asking what terms banks and foreign investors are dictating to a bankrupt U.S. government?

"For the 40% of American industry devoted to warmaking, the greatest threat to profits is peace. With U.S. weapons purchases currently topping $500,000 a minute, U.S. Army Inc. must find fresh targets to justify removing $380 billion a year from programs that could alleviate poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, malnutrition, disease and discrimination against Two-Third's World women.

"Every bomb dropped, every missile fired further enslaves indebted Americans. Looking at the $100 billion squandered so far on a "missile defense system" unable to intercept missiles, or even a few fanatics armed with Exacto knives, Spectrazine's Heather Wokusch warns, "Billions more corporate Star Wars' pork is on the way. This while social and environmental programs are being axed due to lack of funding, and millions of Americans continue to lose their jobs, joining the millions more already languishing in poverty, hunger and homelessness. The administration's response? A $73 billion tax giveaway benefiting the richest 1%.""


"It doesn't have to be this way.

"Four years ago, the United Nations Development Program estimated that it would cost an additional $9 billion above current expenditures to provide clean water and sanitation for everyone onboard Spaceship Earth. An additional $12 billion would provide reproductive health services for all women worldwide. Another $13 billion would be enough not only to give every person on Earth enough food to eat, but also basic health care. And just $6 billion more could provide basic education for all.

"The total tab for eliminating worldwide seeds of hatred, ignorance and despair - while harnessing the urgently needed talents, energy and perspectives of two-thirds of the world's population: just $40 billion.

"The math is easy. Do American taxpayers wish to continue spending $30 million an hour building more bombs to impoverish their grandchildren, while creating more enemies to justify building more bombs to make a President-select, his dad and a few corporations very rich.

"Or -

"(W)ould they rather invest less money than the first post-911 arms purchases to ensure the water, nutrition, medicine, education and emancipation needed to effectively dry up the wellsprings of terrorism?

"The answer is growing homeland opposition to Dubya's declaration of "permanent war". Echoing courageous congressional compatriots Cynthia McKinney and Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich thundered last March over repeated standing ovations:

""We did not authorize an eye for an eye. Nor did we ask that the blood of innocent people, who perished on September 11, be avenged with the blood of innocent villagers in Afghanistan. We did not authorize the Administration to wage war anytime, anywhere, anyhow it pleases. We did not authorize war without end. We did not authorize a permanent war economy.""


"With the clock ticking down on Iraq's plight and a growing Bush backlash, it's hard to say which will detonate first. When asked what a mid-October attack on Iraq might have to do with the next month's Congressional elections, Ritter replied with a marine's directness: "Everything."

"But with no time or bases to quickly amass and supply the forces required for a full-scale invasion, Bush's obsession with sacking Saddam could unleash more massive air attacks.

"It didn't work before. In his dad's bombardment of Iraq, United States warplanes alone flew 110,000 attacks, dropping 88,000 tons of bombs on a country the size of California.

"Saddam survived, while a hostage population suffered and died.

"What exactly is the point of more heavy bombing? If Saddam is deposed, his son is said to be even worse. Alternately, if the "Butcher of Baghdad" is forcibly replaced by a puppet party answerable to Washington, the resulting rioting - joined with unchecked Shiite and Sunni turf wars - could transform the Middle East into one big Beirut.

"Is a smirking G.W. aware of the world outside Texas? Last Nov. 8, "Boy George" asked an astonished Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, "Do you have blacks, too?" Following up this insult, on Aug. 1 America's President explained to the King of Jordan how "we must collectively get after those who kill in the name of some kind of false religion."

"Hopefully, 1.6 billion people currently practicing a "false religion" will soon get the True Word. (Otherwise they might get sore.) In the meantime, Muslims and Christians can only pray that G. Dubya is more up to speed on a region teetering on a nuclear knife-point than he was on Nov. 3, 1999 when reporter Andy Hiller quizzed his candidacy for WHDH-TV:

"HILLER: "Can you name the general who is in charge of Pakistan?"

"DUBYA: "General. I can't name the general. General."

"HILLER: "And the prime minister of India?"

"DUBYA: "The new prime minister of India is - (pause) No."

"What G. Dubya does understand is that money can be made, and flag-waving "patriotism" converted into approval ratings and votes, by taking overwhelming aim at defenseless "enemies".

"But this time, he may have "misunderestimated" the mood of Americans. Stung by corporate fraud of preposterous proportions, Americans are beginning to ask what other scams are being run on them by a president caught in illegal Harken Corp. accounting procedures, in which, according to Bush, "things aren't exactly black and white."

"What about right and wrong?

"The whole world is no longer watching. It is shouting, "No more!" The last time U.S. carriers prepared to launch waves of jets against Baghdad, bomb-laden warplanes were being hooked to the catapults when President Clinton canceled the raids. Like Bush today, Clinton desperately needed the distraction of renewed mass attacks on Iraq. But in November 1999, a deluge of faxes, emails and phone calls from concerned global villagers stayed his hand.

"It CAN happen again:"

"Excerpted in part from All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion, and Bringing The War Home by William Thomas."

"See also: The New Rulers of the World by John Pilger and the upcoming, The Greatest Sedition is Silence by William Rivers Pitt."

"More from All Fall Down:"

Back to Part 1 of: "WHO GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT FOR 9.11?"

Back to Part 1 of: "DON'T DO IT, DUBYA"!

"Order your copy of All Fall Down"





Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.


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Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

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